Wedding day

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"H-He was joking when he said everyone right?"

Trying to lighten the mood you chuckled, grabbing his hands to calm down.

Pulling you into a hug he lets out a sigh, rubbing circles on your back to try and calm you.

"It'll be like a high school reunion, minus Kageyama and Hinata almost everyone will be there."

Envisioning that horrible nightmare you had you could still clearly see their faceless faces, Tsukishimas blurring your entire image as he walked away from you, and you flinch back, pulling away from his arms.

You expressed as you stood silently, watching yourself tremble from anxiety.

"It'll be okay, nothing bad is going to happen."

He tried to comfort you once again, everything around you blocking out like an out of body experience first hand.

"You can change in the bathroom I'll change here."

He spoke pulling his shirt off as you grabbed the dress, quietly making your way into the bathroom.

Walking in as you shut the door you turn on the lights, the white color blinding you a little.

What if they stare.....what are they going to say...

Thinking about the worst outcome possible it felt like hell in your thoughts.

I missed Nationals and now I show up like this...


"She can't even take care of yourself."

"What would I expect from you?"

You imagined the looks of disgust from the third years as they judged you whole heartedly.

And how the second years would talk behind your back, making sure you knew you were absolute scum.

Just s-stop...
Crying out you begin pulling your clothes off, avoiding the mirrors reflection at all costs.

You just wanted to close your eyes and stay like that.

Taking a deep breath in you to to calm your nerves, the ringing in your ears becoming stronger denounces to it.

Turning to the sink you pick up the dress, staring at it blankly.

This is pretty....
Looking at it it was a soft pink velvet dress, matching with the men's suit that was a soft blue color.

The entire theme being warm and soft just like Yamaguchi and Yachi.

Is this too much for her....
Buttoning the shirts vest it fit pretty well on him surprisingly, wondering if Yamaguchi had hand ordered this one for him.

She flinched again...Just like last time....she doesn't even feel safe in my arms...
Furrowing his eyebrows he felt irritated, of course he knew he was an entire ass in highschool but he hadn't planned on making you afraid of him.

He was suppose to protect you.

Walking over to the mirror over the dresser he stares at himself, pulling off his glasses as his eyes go blurry.

Putting the contacts in he blinks a few time tears welling before they go normal.

Running gel through my his hair it begins to push back, revealing his forehead.

This should be good enough...
Staring at himself for a few seconds he felt ready, inspecting his image he frowns, feeling uncomfortable.

I never hit her so what is it.....
If it wasn't physical he wondered if you weren't mentally okay with him, feeling your relationship with him was becoming shaky or bad.

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