One Shot

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It feels kind of unfair that I don't add more...scenes because of how this story is going, so for the time being I'll write some one shots in between the story 😼
Of course [Y/N] will not be pregnant in these on shots, I'll consider them more of things that happened before this story began as well as fun imagines


Finishing typing on your computer all your work on it was done for the day.

You hadn't understand why they gave you so much to do in a short amount of time, mostly when your lectures couldn't even be any vaguer than they were.

But finished and feeing confident about your work you stand to your feet, stretching your arms and hands that cramped.

Yawning you begin making you way into the kitchen, grabbing a small cup for the cabinets before getting yourself a glass of water.

He should be home now...

Glancing at the stoves clock it was ten, it was weird that Tsukishima hadn't arrived earlier as he never detoured from coming home.

He'll be fine nobody would mess with a six foot five man...

Throwing away the thought of him getting kidnapped or something drastic it made no sense that somebody would try to fight him.

Mostly with his stance and strength, he stood as a threat himself.

He'll be fi-

Hearing a knock on your door you turn your head from the kitchen, placing your cup down before you began making your way over.

"That's weird, can't he just open it with his keys?"

Unlocking the door you expected the usual but instead you were face to face with him as he stood dazed.

A blush covering his face and he stared unfocused at you.

"U-Uhmm I'm really sorry he got a little...drunk."

Next to him stood Yamaguchi, bashfully explaining the situation while he nervously scratched the back of his head.


You had seen Tsukishima as someone who could never get drunk, or more so never allowed himself to after what had happened in Highschool.

Ever since then whenever the two of you drank he wouldn't even finish one bottle.

How'd this idiot get drunk?!

It wasn't like something bad had happened to some stressful event had popped up so this was completely out of the blue for you.

"I'm r-really sorry!"

Yamaguchi Bowed a little too far and you raise your hands shaking them while you kept glancing at Tsukishima.

"Don't worry don't worry! It's this idiots fault anyways, thank you for bringing him back in one piece."

You bowed to Yamaguchi as he fiddled his fingers nodding to you his face red.

"T-There's uhmm...h-he- Good luck!"

To flustered to finish his words you watch him dash away to your dismay and you shut the door, Tsukishima still standing dazed.

What was he trying to say....

You wondered shaking the thought of and turning your head to Tsukishima.


You whispered taking his backpack off his back while he stood like a statue.

You were happy he wasn't sick and vomiting like in Highschool but I was still odd.

"Coffee" | Tsukishima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now