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"You're getting nowhere with her like I said give up."
The two of them played a simple video game, Kenna dominated the competition.

Kuroo continuously trying to put up a fight with the nonchalant man.

"You're the one who keeps telling me not to push on with it, like how you said I lost all of my other dates...!"
Swerving in the game he makes a quick cut corner like a child, a smirk on his face.

"Then I mean you have no chance with your dates, especially her, she probably views you as a friend, I mean who wouldn't with your..."
Turning his head away for a second he glanced up and down at Kuroo with disgust before turning back to the gaming screen.

Still in first place.

"Why're you always so mean say something supportive to me once in awhile you're not like this with Hinata?!"
Kuroo shouted out upset, hitting a bump in the game and causing him to go into last place.

"Fine then, I'm positive you have no chance with her, also Hinatas not you."
Winning the game he gave a thumbs up to Kuroo, a huge fan of Hinata and his team as he had posters of him in his room.

"Yeah yeah"
Placing the controller down Kuroo stands from his seat on the couch, making his way into the kitchen to pull out a water from the refrigerator.

She has to like me, I mean...
Recalling all of the faces you made as you talked to him he felt himself go red, taking a sip from the water.

Replaying what had happened in the bathroom stall as you pulled his head closer to yours and he chokes on his water.

His face entirely red and he felt shame fill him, never crushing on a person this hard before.

I can't just keep backing down, Kenmas advice will only friend zone me...
Glaring at the back of Kenmas head he had a feeling if he never took his advice from the beginning the two of you would've been dating already.

The thought of that making his heart flutter.

Then I have to make a move....

"Hatsuyu differs!"
You shouted out, holding Hatsuyu in your arms on the opposite side of the couch, Tsukishima across from you.

"You still have your second part of your finals to complete I'll take him to your parents house."
Tsukishima explained, moving further of the left of the couch to get over to you, watching you shift away.

You already felt tired and exhausted from the first exam and added onto your doubt from it you wished you could skip.

Trying to use Hatsuyu as that excuse.

Though of course like all good things you had, it failed, Tsukishima stepping on the couch ending your running about and you let out a noise of defeat.

Giving Hatsuyu into Tsukishimas arms willingly and you grab your bag on the floor, throwing it over your shoulder.

"Let's go..."
You mumbled out depressed, making your way to the door as you heard Tsukishima following behind, reaching for the doorknob before you felt something on your head.

Tsukishima patting your head.

"I'm sure you'll pass and when you come home I have a surprise for you."
He explained, holding Hatsuyu closer to him and you nodded assuringly, feeling a little more confident from his words.

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