First snow

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You groaned out in pain, staring up you meet the hospital ceiling, the white color blinding you and the light reminding you of your high school classroom.

"A-Am I dead?...."

Rubbing your eye you feel something pulling it down, noticing the IV on your arm.

What the....this is a hospital?

Beginning to look around you turn to your left, your parents sitting in the two chairs, your fathers face filled with shock and your mother tearful.

Taking a momment to process what was happening you glance down, seeing Tsukishima kneeled on the ground his head propped near your legs on the side of your bed.

For a split second meeting his eyes, red and tired from crying before his expression widens.

Jumping up from his position his knee harshly hits the ground, causing him to wince but he hadn't cared.

Pulling you into a hug he wanted to be in your arms at the moment, feeling your heart beat through your chest he squeezed you harder.

"Kei I'm-."

Wanting to finish your sentence you notice him shaking in his grip, hearing a small whimper before he lets his head slump, holding his breath in.

All you could do was sit silently as he kept you in his arms, you felt too fatigued to do anything else.

Pulling away you had a clear view of Tsukishimas face, filled with tears and regret he looked sorrowful.

"We got a call that you had passed out at work and we came as quick as possible."

Your dad announced while your mom silently sniffled, wiping her tears with a tissue.

Your dad had shortly moved back to Japan with your mom, stating 'The language is too difficult' even after a long stay in America.

It made you slightly wonder how he never accidentally stumbled on a gang doing that or never gotten harmed, mostly cause of the stories he told about America.

"Then t-they called me...."

Tsukishima mumbled, the words stuck on his throat as he spoke.

Like barb wired was wrapped around his neck.

He still kept replaying the phone call, hearing your mother cry out about your fainting and to hurry to the hospital.

While he had been waiting to give you a gift you were being pulled into an ambulance.

Biting his bottom lip he balls his fist up on his knees before shortly bowing to you, your expression widening.

"I-I'm sorry for not taking care of you..."

He spoke, his voice cracking, though all you could do was stare slightly offended.

Offended that he had stated it like he was the one at fault when it was all your doing.

Quickly turning to your parents he bows once again, squeezing his eyes shut.

"I-I'm sorry, Please forgive m-me...."

He slightly mumbles the last part feeling down and you sigh glancing at your parents.

"Don't forgive him....the one who should be apologizing is me..."

Your voice felt sore speaking and Tsukishima turns his eyes to you, looking back.

"I'm the one w-who decided to go to work not you Kei, now please don't bow for them, your making me feel shittier."

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