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"They're healing well.."
Removing the ice from your face he inspected the bruise, seeing it fading away as normal, Mr.Izus punch pretty weak for a grown man.

The name replaying in his head he felt as if he heard it before, not being able to connect the dots making him a little frustrated.

Wanting to kill whoever laid their hands on you liked he promised, though you took it as a joke he was serious.

"Kei are you done? I have to get to class.."
Interrupting him in his thoughts he flinched, pulling the ice pack away as he nods, beginning to put small bandages on your face.

Finished the both of you stood, Tsukishima stretching out your arms before he stared down at you.

"I'll get Hatsuyu ready then we can go.."
He explained and you nodded back, the both of you getting dressed in out clothes, though while he wore his jobs uniform of a white shirt and brown pants you dressed in a grey hoodie and black leggings.

Usually wearing nice clothes but for what you were attending you chose something more causal.

"Are you sure you can walk?"
You questioned, watching him limp as he walked over to Hatsuyus crib, pulling up the infant who smiled back at him.

"It only hurts a little."
He explained, patting Hatsuyus back as he held him, his head turning to you and you let out a tired sigh.

"You better not strain it again or else."
You motioned to your throat and he chuckled, wondering if that was for his greater good or you were trying to hurt him more.

"We don't have much time let's just go.."
You explained glancing at your phone watch and he nods, the two of you making your way out of your apartment and into the car.

Buckling you Hatsuyu in the baby seat you make your place into the passenger seat.

Letting out a groan of frustration.

"Why is this time always so stressful don't I have enough on my table..."
You groaned out, Tsukishima rolling his eyes to your words while he buckled his seatbelt.

"Don't you do this every year? It's not as bad as it seems."
Teasing you for your struggles you frown, softly punching him in the arm.

"Of course you wouldn't understand my struggle! I don't even like that class so what's the point."
Tsukishima starting the car as you pulled out of the parking lot, beginning to drive.

"You had all of first year to drop out but you didint?"
Questioning you you could only let out a noise of frustration, crossing your arms as your frown grew farther.

"I was afraid of what might've happened if I did and I didint even have a back up plan!"
You tried to reason with him, Tsukishima only hearing it as excuses while he continued to drive.

Of course a smart ass like him wouldn't understand, all he does is work and go to school, even with his injury he's still working....
Finding him like an overachiever on the third day of his injury he had decided to cut corners, working without haste.

Knowing letting it heal naturally was best but he seemed to be in a rush to work for some reason.

Smart people make me so mad?!
You shouted in your head, wanting to cry from all the people who not only enjoyed what they had did but passed with flying scores.

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