Chapter 1: Bright lights

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I was sitting on my sisters bed reading her the traditional story of 'little red riding hood'
'Little red riding hood set off in the deep dark woods...' I paused as I saw my little sister had fallen asleep. I gave my sister a kiss on the head and tucked the duvet over her shoulders and switched the lamp off. I made my way to my own room and yawned and climbed into my bed after a while I fell asleep....
*A while later*
I woke up slowly and rubbed my eyes I checked my iPhone 5c the clock said 2:00am. There was another bang coming from downstairs... I shot up bolt right and narrowed my eyes and there was nothing there but darkness. I was still half asleep.
I looked across to the hallway where the hallway lamp was still on.
My sister was sleeping soundly not a peep out of her.
I smiled and swivelled back round. I had found the nerve to actually pull myself out of bed and wonder what the heck is that clattering downstairs. It could be the dog I wondered but the dog was only 1 year old and it hadn't made such a noise before.
I pulled my dressing gown on and staggered downstairs I turned to the kitchen and a bright light was coming from the conservatory doors that lead to the back garden. I slid along the slippy floor and opened the door to the back garden.
Suddenly colours of red, green, orange, pink and purple blinded my eyes like looking at lightning as it flashed in the night sky.
My eyes widened as I hid behind a hedge. I smiled amazed at the sight. I couldn't believe what I was seeing!
There in my own lawn was beautiful lights that danced around like fairies.
I couldn't believe my eyes! I never really believed in stuff that grown ups told me when I was little. I just thought it was just a story. But tonight I'm proved wrong. If I was to show my dad this...
'Katie?' A familiar voice said behind me.
I turned round frantically to see my dad with folded arms staring at me. Oh no I think I'm in trouble. Great.
'Would you like to tell me why you are out in the back garden in the middle of the night?' He asked.
'You see dad I can explain..see those ligh-' I paused as I saw there was nothing there just hedges and flowers and the reflection of the moon.
'Katie what are you pulling here? What are you doing?' He questioned his voice getting more stern. I tried to think of something to say.
'I was er...erm...getting a drink!' I stuttered.
'Katie I don't know if you can notice but there is no sink or fridge outside! Is there?' He said.
'Course not! I just heard a noise coming from outside and I thought there was something out here so I decided to investigate!' I summarised. I think my dad will believe that.
'Go on get in or you'll catch a cold!' My dad said.
I rolled my eyes and rushed inside the house.

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