Chapter 1: But he's alive?

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Hi please bear with this story. It gets somewhat better after chapter 8 and is way better after Age of Ultron. But that's for you to decide. :) Happy reading!!

The wood of the chair presses into my back as the ropes cut into my skin. My feet are tied to the legs of the chair as the loose ends of the braid rip my stockings. There is no sound except the slow dripping of yesterday's rain.

The room is empty except for a few broken chairs and a massive hole behind me.

No weapons. No weak links to torment. No escape.

The building looks abandoned. Rusty metal walls, chipped wooden floors, and, from the sounds of silence, I'm in the middle of nowhere.

No running. No car. No way home.

All my jewelry has been stripped from me, including my shoes and hair pins, leaving my dusty blonde curls to hang loosely around my face and in my eyes.

My mouth is parched in thirst, and my stomach feels empty.

Two days I've been tied up. The longest I've ever been held hostage. I know whoever's keeping me here isn't stupid enough to leave me here alone. I'm worth more alive than dead.

"Hello," I scream, "Anyone there. I know someone's here. I know you're not dumb enough to leave me alone here. Hello."


"Oh my god," I whisper under my breath before shouting, "If no one comes in here I'm going to throw myself into the gaping hole behind me."

Metal thumps lowly getting louder as it nears.

The rusty metal doors squeak loudly as they open revealing a short man with white hair, "This is not how I wanted our first meeting to go," He places his hand on my chin caressing my bottom lip with his thumb.

"Believe me this is better," I jerk my face from his hand.

"You're a very good actress," He shakes his head before going to one of his men, "You know you almost tricked me. I almost thought you worked for me," He grabs a revolver from the silver case his men were holding.

"As you can tell I'm a great actress," I smirked. The look in this guy's eyes when he stares at me makes me sick. Like vomit.


"Hold her back," With that one of his thugs grabbed the chair I was sitting in and pulled it back leaning me over the hole in the floor.

"Drop me I dare you," I wriggled my eyebrows at him, "Death will be kinder than any man."

"Don't tempt me," He spat out signaling his men to sit the chair straight.

"I knew you wouldn't," I chuckled with a sly smirk, "I'm too valuable to you."

"No like you think..." He goes to continue before one of his many men come running into the room holding a phone.

They exchange small words before the short man grabs the phone.

"Who do you think-" He gets cut off and just stares at me. He hands me the phone.

"Hello," I say very enthusiastically that it sounded more like sarcasm.

"It's time to wrap up your little show," Coulson says.

"Are you kidding me I'm working, and I thought I said I'm out?" I growled and rolled my eyes.

"Barton's' been compromised. Your sister has been notified already." I roll my eyes. "Of course you told her."

"I need you to come in. No wildcarding. In and out. Then you're done. For good."

"Let me put you on hold," I said nodding at a thug. He grabbed the phone. I head slammed him down onto the floor.

Ow that hurt.

The next one came at me. I spun around and hit him with the chair. I jumped backwards, breaking the last of the chair. I took the broken leg and whack one in the head causing him to become knocked out. I grabbed the main guy and wrapped a chain around his foot and shoved him off the shaft. I picked up the phone to continue talking to Coulson, "Where is he now?"

"We don't know." How do you not know?

"But he's alive?"

"We think so. I'll brief you on everything when you get back. But first, we need you to talk to the old guy." I figured he meant Stark.

"Fine but after this, no more SHEILD missions. I'm out. I'm done."

"Deal. I've got Stark, Nat has Bruce. You've got the Captain."

"Thought you said the old guy." Actually, I think Bruce is older.

"Captain is older than Stark." I could hear him slightly chuckle.

"Trebuie sa glumesti cu mine."(You have to be kidding with me) I curse myself.

I am a master assassin. I work for Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, sometimes, and I'm afraid to talk to a 90-year-old man and it wouldn't be the first time. Who knew what he would be like?

Wonder why she doesn't want to see the captain??

I re-wrote this chapter. let me know if you think its worth re-writing the rest. :) 

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