1: morning awakening

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I groaned at the sound of my phone going off next to me on my bedside table. Quickly, I reached my arm out from under the bed covers and silenced the call. I cracked open my eyes to see the sun coming through the sheer white curtains covering the large glass doors of my bedroom that led out to the balcony.

I slide the phone off my bedside table into my hand. I rolled over from my stomach to my back and held my phone above me. The sight of what time it was made me groan again. 8:10 am. Then suddenly my phone began to ring again, nearly causing me to drop it on my face out of fright. Luckily, I didn't this time.

I read the contact calling : Simon Cowbell🖕

"Fuck sake..." I said with a raspy morning voice and answered the call after the fourth ring. "ello?"

"Louis, morning. We need to talk. Are you free right now?" Simon said in his serious business man voice.

I sighed before I answered and pulled myself up so was sitting up. "Yeh I'm free. what is it?"

"Good. Well.." he hesitated. "One Directions getting back together"

When I say my eyes just about popped out of my head, I mean it. What?! Is he serious?

"What!?" I yelled with a voice break into the phone. I scared myself with the volume.

"If you yell any louder my ears will start bleeding Tomlinson. And you heard me. It's time for the band to get back together." Simon said cockily.

"Umm... ok. Well can I call you back in a bit and we can talk then yeh?" I said back still in a state of shock.

"Yeh ok. I need to call Niall anyway. I'll call you back in half an hour or so ok. And you better answer Tomlinson." Simon said sternly.

"Yeh yeh I need to hear this." And with that Simon ended the call.

I dropped my phone from my hand onto the large sized queen bed. I sat crossed legged under the covers and held my hands up to cover my face. I dragged them up, rubbing my eyes in the process, then tangled them through the longer parts my hair at the top of my head. I layed back down onto my pillow with a thud.

Well fuck.

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