7: morning after

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I woke up and found myself sprawled out on a small leather couch. I immediately knew I was in Liam and zayn's living room.

I rolled over on my back and sat up. My head throbbed. This is why I don't drink that much anymore.

I looked around the room and saw Niall laying on the couch opposite me, passed out cold. He lay on his stomach with his arm draping off the side, a few beer bottles littered beside him. Why is he only in his underwear?

"Well morning sleepy head." I heard a hushed voice greet me. I turned around and squinted to see who it was. Liam stood grinning with a tray of cups. Yes coffee!

"We are upstairs if you want to join us." He stated as headed towards the stairs.

"Yeh sure." I replied in a hushed but raspy morning voice. I looked towards a sleeping Niall again before getting up and following Liam up the stairs. Wow my body aches. And my hungover is killing.

I slowly walked up the stairs trying to avoid any more discomfort. When I finally reached the upstairs, I saw that Zayn and Liam watching a football game in the games room. Zayn had his arm draped across liams shoulders, pulling him close. The room had everything to a large flat screen to a huge cloud couch and a pool table in the corner.

I made my way over to them and landed on the couch with a thud, which didn't help my headache at all and caused me to wince.

"Here take this and a coffee." Zayn handed me some painkillers and I grabbed a cup to wash them down with.

"I'm guessing last night got a bit wild ay." I spoke up after swallowing.

"Well for you and Niall yeh. You two were absolutely paralytic mate." Zayn replied with a laugh. I just laughed a bit back before our conversation was interrupted by another voice.

"Goodmorning lads." Harry said as he climbed over the back of the couch as sat on the other side of Liam, shooting us all a smile. He seemed to linger a bit longer at me before turning to the tv. I just stared right back. I couldn't help myself. He looked way to presentable after the events of last night. Maybe he wasn't drinking? He always used too.

His hair was pulled back by a clip on the top of his head, but stay pieces hung down, too short to be pulled up. He wore a pair of light grey sweatpants and a white shirt. Both pieces of clothing were a bit to big for him, but he pulled it off. I mean he can wear anything and look hot...

"Coffee?" Liam asked him and motioned to the tray of cups and other things set on the coffee table.

"Yeh thanks." He replied before grabbing just a cup of black coffee. Well that's different, he always used to add so much milk to his coffee before. Probably just changed his taste.

I took another sip and turned to the tv that the others were immersed in.

"Oh for fuck sake!" I said loudly as a player missed the goal. I've always been quite a vocal sports watcher. The others just groaned in a agreement.

We sat there for another 20 minutes or so before I heard someone groaning and coming up the steps with loud thuds. I turned to see Niall hanging on to the wall as he reached the top.

"Morning." He said with a raspy voice as he sat down next to me. The others said morning and I handed him the tablets I'd taken and a cup of coffee.

"Thanks mate." Niall replies with a small smile before swallowing down the pills. I'm not sure what those painkillers were because by the way they worked miracles, I'm pretty sure they weren't Advil. Knowing Zayn it could be anything, but I trust him and it got rid of my headache fast.

We just sat watching the game in between talking about last night because honestly, everything after leaving the restaurant was blurry. We were all engaged in the conversation, except for Harry who was busy texting someone. Not much of a chatter box these days? These new changes I was witnessing were making me nervous.

Back in the day, I was the one who knew Harry the best, and he knew me the best. But we haven't seen each in years so it's not like I was expecting him to be completely the same. But it was still making me nervous.

I reached for my phone in the pocket of my pants and messaged my assistant to pick my car up and bring it to the house.

It fell silent as we continued to watch the game and I scrolled through Instagram waiting for a text back.

From Lila: I'll be there in about two minutes.

"Hey Lila is coming to pick me up and take me home to pack some stuff up. So I'll be back in about a hour or so." I stated as I stood up looking towards the lads sitting on the couch. They were to immersed in the game so all I recurved was some 'alright's and 'see you soon mate'. I looked in Harry's direction to see him staring with a worried but also angry face. Why was he looking at me like that? Once we made eye contact though, he quickly looked away back to his phone. I took that as an invitation to leave.

I headed down stairs and out the door. I honestly didn't give a fuck what I looked like and I'm sure my hair was going in every direction. But I had had a rough night so. I was met by Lila standing outside, leaning against my car, smiling.

I hadn't had a chance to see her in so long since she was my assistant in England when I come home. She's a really nice girl. She's trying to get into modelling and that so I've been trying to link her up with some of my contacts lately. I reckon she could really make it, she's definitely got the look. I mean I would totally be into her, but she's my assistant and she's into girls so.

I greeted her with a hug before I got in the drivers seat and headed off.

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