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Louis POV

"Nope." I said grumpily as I pulled the bed covers over my face.

"YES!" Harry loudly said back in a cheery tone. How he gets up in the morning so.. alive, escapes me.

"Nooo hazzzzz." I whined, not coming out from the covers.

"Cmon Lou we gotta catch the flight. Simon will kill us. Liam will kill us!" Harry said trying to pull the sheets away, but I kept a tight grip on them. He eventually stopped and I heard him walk away. but now I was wide awake, so there was no need for "five more minutes" anymore.

I pulled the covers away from my eyes, peaking over just under my nose, and adjusted to the brightness of the room. I searched for Harry and found him with his back to me, messing around with his mickey mouse suitcase, which was of course Gucci. Mans obsessed.

I watched the way his back muscles moved and the way the morning light shone on him, highlighting his freckles as well as the bruise that was healing in his side. I huffed and sat up to get his attention, but he didn't turn around.

"Ok I'm up!" I said in a cheery tone and raised my eyebrows seeing if that would get his attention. Nope. He's ignoring me. He knows when he does that he gets on my nerves.

I looked at the bed side table and saw that it was 8am. 2 hours until the car was coming. So why am I up now? Because hazza here likes to be prepared and early for everything. I like to be 'fashionably late'.

I jumped off the bed with a loud thud. He didn't turn around, just continued to pack his already packed suitcase. He's just using it as an excuse to make himself look busy. He's really getting in my nerves.

I slowly crept up behind him and wrapped my arms around his hips. He relaxed a bit in my embraced, but didn't react. Asshole. I squeezed him a little bit, nothing. I placed a string of kisses along his smooth shoulders, nothing.

I released my arms and huffed, frustrated. He bent over in front of my to reach down at his clothes, making sure to brush his ass against my crotch. I grabbed his hips to keep him in place, but got a slap on the hand. He still didn't say anything. Just picked a shirt of his and pulled out a pair of sneakers.

"Imma go for a run. See you later boo." And with a kiss in my cheek. He left through the bedroom door, and then I heard the front door shut behind him a minute later.

I sighed deeply and headed to the bathroom for a shower.

I stripped off my shirt and sweatpants and grabbed my towel that had been discarded on the floor last night. I placed it next the sink. I removed the removable brace from my arm that I'd been given since I got my cast off early, but spotted bottles on the counter.

I picked them up a read the labels. Harry Edward styles. Anxiety. Take as needed. I read the other one that said: clinical depression. One a day. I knew it was bad, but not this bad. He seems fine. Maybe the medication is the reason? I still feel bad about not remembering to tell him about my overdose or my own medication.

I'm not sure why I didn't tell him. I meant to, but I don't think about it anymore and it just slipped my mind. I'm just glad he forgave me.

I placed the bottles back down where they were and showered. I'm not sure how long I'd been lost in my thoughts, just feeling the water run down my back, but I was pulled out by Harry's arms wrapping around my waist.

"What's wrong my loubear?" He asked in his deep voice and kissed my neck gently, before resting his chin on my shoulder, his arms going around my waist. I traced the anchor tattoo on his wrist and my skin under my rope one itched to be felt too.

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