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Louis' pov.

Harry and I waited days for the pictures to leak. We informed everyone that they would most likely be coming out and to prepare themselves. Simon tried his best to find the photographer, but had not luck. They hadn't sold them to anyone and if they had, it was kept a secret. We think it was a fan.

So we waited and waited, but they never came out.

Neither of us felt safe in the house now, so I hired a security guard to do patrols and I got a new security system. I'm not letting anyone take photos of me or Harry in private property again. We can't risk it.

I fucking suing the shit out of how took them when I find them.

So we went on as normal, still knowing we might get exposed and outed. But this wasn't our fault. It was a photo taken in a private moment on my property. It didn't breach contract. Simon hated that we were right.

So we went on with life.

Tour starts in less then two weeks or so, all we are waiting for is the album release. It might be my favourite album we've come out with and had so many deep and meaningful songs that suit each of our genres. The fans will love it when it is released in a few days.

"Do you have to cut your hair?" I whined as Harry sat down the seat and Louise got out a pair of scissors.

"Don't worry boo. It's only gonna be a little bit shorter and it'll grow out quickly on tour." Harry smiled at me through the mirror. I just huffed as I sat down on the couch.

I literally cringed when lou started cutting. I miss long haired Harry.


Harry's pov

Louis pouted as he ran his fingers through my hair. He's so adorable. He really doesn't like me with shorter hair, but it needed to be cut before tour so I'm not going back to my 2014 hair by the end of tour, even though Louis would love that.

"I like it

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"I like it. But it was better before." Louis huffed before sitting next to me on the couch, slouching.

"It's been two days loubear. Give it a few months and it'll be long again, it grows really quick." I comforted him, trying to hold back a laugh at his toddler like behaviour.

Louis just looked up at me with a wide smile and surprised me when he kissed me.

He's been a bit confusing lately. He went from absolutely pissed for no reason to all over me yesterday. I'm not complaining though, I got really good sex last night.

"Cmon lads get a room. We are trying to release a album here!" Niall exclaimed, causing us to break away with slightly pink cheeks. I forgot where we were. At Louis' house, even though I practically live here too, and waiting till the album drops. I hope we can move in together after tour, like how we lived together before. I honestly hate my house now that I'm staying here at Louis'.

The countdown went quickly and as soon as it dropped, Simon called to say it reached number one within minutes, the leading single going straight to number one as the music video we filmed three weeks prior was released too.

We all decided to go out and celebrate, against managements instructions. We settled on a private club in the middle of London which was for selected guests only, but zayn said he was always on the list.

The club was darkly lit with neon lights and many booths along the back wall, some of which can be separated by long black curtains for privacy. All I could think about was what happened last time Lou and I were in a club, what happened in the bathroom. Maybe we can repeat history.

"What can I get you?" A young waitress came up with a flirty smile directed straight at Louis.

We all ordered as I stared her down, which she failed to notice. As Louis placed his order, the girl touched his arm in a way which was not ok with me. I couldn't help myself when i placed my hand on Louis upper thigh, causing him to jump and stop talking to the waitress and turn to me. I squeezed his thigh and looked up at the girl who had wide eyes, watching our interaction and getting the hint so she stepped away a bit.

"Vodka and lemonade please." I said with a fake smile and Louis smirked at me.

"I'll be right back with those." The girl said before walking off quickly.

It wasn't the same waitress who delivered our drinks.




Liam called my name as he rushed over, turning my attention from Louis to him. He was as white as a ghost. I furrowed my eyebrows as he came closer, gripping his phone for dear life as he held it up to his ear.

"What's up li?" Zany said from the seat beside me, a concerned look on his face as he sat up.

"The photos are out."

To be continued...
- Love Em x

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