39: yellow

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Harry's pov

Fuck yes. Out of this bloody hospital. It's been a week and a half since I woke up and then doctors said I'm doing really good considering my injuries. I had a bit of metal from the car door pierce my side just under my ribs. It went through my front and left a gash that's not too deep, but managed to miss any organs, which is very lucky. I'm gonna get a nasty scar from it though. I had the stitches taken out yesterday and saw the purple bruise around it. I also sprained my wrist, but it should be healed in a couple weeks. So over all I'm very lucky. And so is lou. I'm so glad he's ok.

Mum said he didn't leave my side the whole time I was out, not even to eat. I love him so much. But I noticed he was a bit uncomfortable in the hospital. He got nervous when doctors and nurses came in and would zone out a bit. It made me worry.

Mum was so happy when she saw me awake. And I was so glad that she came. She left for home a few days ago and told me Gemma was really worried but couldn't come because of work. She also told me about how much the accident was in the news...

It was every where. People where freaking out. They found out me and Lou were in the car alone and that sent larry rumours sky rocketing as well as the news of us in the hospital. It completely over shadowed the reunion. Simon was not happy, but I don't give a flying fuck about him. At least he seeemed kind of concerned about our well being... anyway. Liam had sent out a tweet asking for privacy for the band and our families, but let everyone know we were both ok and recovering.

So that brings us today. I'm leaving the hospital! We snuck out the back door of the hospital to avoid the crowds, but still was spotted by some paparazzi. Louis and I snuck into the car quickly and made our way to his house. I've never been to louis la house considering we had only been in la for a little while and his place is in Beachwood canyon.

When we arrived, Lou showed me the main area of the house then helped me hobble to the master bedroom. I sat on the bed as I watched him rummage through my suitcase for clean clothes.

I took in my surroundings. There were large windows that looked out onto the Hollywood hills, it was a really nice view. I'm glad I sold my la house. I hated it. I never stayed in it anyway, I was always to lonely in the big house. But lou's is perfect. It reminds me of him. With white but warm tones, and little details that make it homey.

"Here stand up." Louis' voice broke me out of my thoughts. He was standing in front of me with a warm smile while holding a shirt, underwear and sweats.

"I can dress myself lou." I said with a small pout covering a smile.

"I know. But I just wanna strip you." He said with a smirk and sent me innocent eyes as he tilted his head a little.

I just laughed a little, stood up and lifted my arms. I could see him standing on his toes as he lifted my shirt over my head and chucked it on the floor. I looked down and felt his fingers softly brush over my bruise on my side. He smiled as he looked up at my face and then lift up his shirt, exposing his purple bruise but it was no where near as bad as mine.

"Look we match." He said with a childish smile, he's trying to make me laugh. And it worked. I giggled at him and pecked his lips unexpectedly.

He smiled widely and then yanked down my pants, along with my underwear, leaving my naked. I stepped out of them and kicked them to the side. My abs twitched under louis' finger tips as he brushed over them, but then pulled away.

"Nope. I smell. Your sore. I need to shower." He said in a huff as he grabbed the underwear and made me step into them. He sounded like he was trying to convince himself move then me.

I groaned a little as he continued to dress me, and then made me sit back on the bed against the bed head and put a fluffy blanket over me. He kissed my forehead and left the room to shower. I sighed heavily and switched the tv on that rested on the opposite wall.

After a few minutes, I was already bored. You can only watch so much of the kardashians, and as soon a Kendall came on, it was a mere three minutes for me. I decided to get up and explore. I was restless from sitting in a hospital room for too long.

I hobbled my way to the kitchen and got a bottle of water from the fridge, which was surprisingly organised. Obviously Lou had not done that. I took a sip as I took in my surroundings.

The kitchen was large, but not too big and it was open place with an island that separated it from the living room. I saw Louis backpack open and spread out over the counter, so I walked over to sort it out. I shoved his lyric book and multiple pencils in there before something caught my attention, a pill bottle. I furrowed my eyebrows and read the label. Louis William Tomlinson. Anxiety. Two when needed.

I just knew by the name of the pill it was strong stuff. I didn't know he struggled this much. I've haven't seen him take them. Maybe he doesn't. That idea worries me more then that he has to take them. I shoved them in the bag and pushed the thoughts back. Louis knows what he's doing.

When we were first in the band, Simon sent him to a doctor after he started crying randomly during a meeting for no apparent reason. It was almost a panic attack before I calmed him down. Turns out he had anxiety. So they gave him meds similar to these ones, but if he isn't taking them then I don't know if he's better.

I went back to looking around the house. The living room was neutral tones and had a large flat screen tv above a fire place. God knows why people need fire places in la. He had hung up picture frames around the place and down the hallway to the front door. Some of him and Freddie, some of the band, some with people I don't know and friends of his. But there was one of us when we were on the xfactor, on the first day we met. It was of us hugging and we looked so young, so care free. Reminds me of when we first fell in love.

I walked down the other hallway that louis' room led too. There were two other guest bedrooms and then one more at the end of the hall. I opened it was met by bright yellow bed and decor, along with toys spread piled in a messy mountain in the corner and a large yellow chest at the end of the bed. Freddie's room.

"Like the yellow? It's his favourite colour." I felt arms wrap around my waist and Louis plant a kiss on the my neck

"I do. There's lots of it." I laughed and squirmed a little as he tugged in my ear lob gently with his teeth.

"Hmm." He just hummed as he sucked and bit gently at my lower neck.

"But I like your bedroom better." I said before turning around and grabbing his face with hands, then met my lips with his.

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