30: here now

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"I'll see you both at the Manchester show." Anne said as he gave me a kiss on the cheek as Harry put her bags in the back of the cabs boot. "Look after Harry alright." She whispered and I just nodded.

She headed over to Harry and said her goodbyes to him before getting in the car. Harry walked over to me and put his arm around my waist and we waved her off. It was so good to see Anne after all this years. She just an amazing woman and her and mum always used to get in so well, Im pretty sure the last time I saw her was at the funeral.

We headed in side and I watched Harry as he made sandwiches for lunch. We just sat at the kitchen island and ate until I asked.

"Um so the other night... your ma was saying that she's glad your alright now and told me to look after you. What does she mean? Did something happen?"

Harry looked at me in shock as he stopped chewing and swallowed. He looked down as he placed his sandwich down on his plate, then back to meet my eyes. I'm very confused right now. Should I be concerned? Yeh I'm concerned.

"I need to tell you something that I should have before." He said cautiously, watching my every reaction, which was right now very confused.

"Ok..." I said as turned in my seat to face him. He did the same and linked our fingers together tightly.

"Um after my first tour... I got a bit down. Well I became depressed. So I kinda fell into a self destructive hole and I partied every night. Lost myself a bit. One night got a bit much, and I showed up to Mitch and Sarah's. I um.. well I... I didnt wanna live at the moment. I um I.. well I needed help." My heart broke as he said that and grabbed his hand tighter for comfortable.
"I actually wanted to find you, but I knew you didn't wanna see me and you were angry, so I didn't."

"Oh no Haz. Of course I would have wanted to see you, to help you." I said shaking my head, tears threading to spill. He looked at me lovingly and smiled before continuing.

"I ended up getting help and staying with Mitch and Sarah for a few months and worked on myself." A single tear rolled down his cheek. I wiped it away with my thumb and kissed him lightly.

"I'm so sorry love. That I wasn't there for you." I said sadly.

"It's ok. Your here now. That's all that matters." He said tilting his head to the side with a hopeful smile. He's so cute.

"I love you Harry." I said.

"I love you too louis."

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