33: again

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My blood is boiling. But I can't get past harry to attack the asshole in front of us.

"We will be having a meeting tomorrow about... this. So enjoy your last night." He chuckles as he walks off.

"Fuck you!" I yell at his back, but he just ignores me.

I push in front of Harry and turn to face him. His eyes are glassed over. I take his check in my hands and smile at him sympathetically. He looked angry as well as broken.

"I'm so sorry love. We shouldn't have. Should have waited till we got back to the hotel. I'm so sorry." I tried to apologise.

He grabbed my wrists and slowly took my hands away and studied my face. His cold stare sends shivers down my spine.

"Did you want us to get caught?" He asked.

Is he joking? Did he just say that? Does he think I would do that?

"Wh-what? You actually think I'd do that?" I pulled my hands away and stepped back. I could feel tears pooling as my stomach drops.

"I don't know lou. Did you?" He said in a low scary tone.

"No!" I yelled. What the fuck? He studied my face and then his soften a little bit, to a look of hurt. He looked down at the ground before saying his next line.

"I don't know." Is all he said.

"Do you actually think I would do that. Get us caught purposely. Out us to Simon! No! That's insane. I can't believe you would even think that! I just wanted my boyfriend after not being able to touch or look at him all day! If you really think that... just wow. What the fuck Harry! If you really think that you obviously don't trust me! Maybe this wasn't a good idea if you think that lowly of me! Maybe we shouldn't be together." Those last words escaped before I could stop them. I immediately regretted it.

Harry's face went from distraught to cold. Devoid of emotion. He looked me straight in the eye. He had the same look as the night he found out about Brianna.

"If you feel that way Louis. Then we aren't together." As he said those words my heart shattered. No no no.

I tried to move or speak but I couldn't. I can't loose him again. No no no.

He walked away from me. He left me in that darkly lit hallway. Alone. The man I love left me. Again.

By the time I turned around, he was gone. I ran back towards the party and tried to see him, but he was gone.

"Why'd Harry just storm out?" Liam yelled over the music as he reached me. He immediately saw my face. I probably looked terrible. I was on the verge of a panic attack. "Louis what happened?" He said sternly.

"We just broke up." I said emotionless as I met his eyes. All the anxiety and hurt just drained out once I admitted that. I noticed zayn next to him and his jaw dropped, while Liams tensed.

"Lou what happened?" Zayn said grabbing my arm, I pulled away from him. I don't want to be touched right now, only Harry can touch me. My whole body just feels numb from the pain I was feeling.

"We- Harry and I went out the back and Simon caught us. He freaked out and accused me of purposely getting us caught. Of course I didn't. I said things I didn't mean and he left. Again." I explained quietly as I process what happened in a matter of seconds. Although my chest aches as I said those words, I couldn't show it on my face. It stayed blank. I don't even know what to feel right now. I watched as zayn looked towards Liam and pulled on his sleeve a bit. Liam stared me down, he was angry. But I didn't care.

"I'm gonna go find him. Make sure H doesn't do anything stupid. Take him back to the hotel." Liam finally said moving his attention to zayn, who just nodded. Liam then disappeared into the crowd towards the exit.

"Niall! I'm taking Louis back!" I heard zayn yell back the sound was muffled by my head. Thoughts raced around but none I could make out, there was only one that mattered.


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