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Harry's pov

"Lou?" I said as I looked up at him from nuzzling into his chest. His eyes were closed, but I know he's not asleep. "Louiiiis." I whined.

"What is it babe." He said cracking one eye open. I sat up and smiled nervously but gave him my serious face. I wanna ask him somethings. He got the hint and opened both eyes and sat up more. "What is it?" He asked warily.

"Why were you so uncomfortable at the hospital? And don't say you weren't because I could tell you were." I asked with out missing a beat. He looked at me for a moment before looking at his hands and talking.

"Well I guess it just brings up bad memories. Like if loosing my mum, and um fizz, and then after when I overdosed..." when he said that he looked at me with wide eyes. He wasn't meant to say that. Overdosed? What!?

"You-you overdosed? What!? When!?" I said loudly. I can't believe he hasn't told me this. How did I not know this!?

"Uh it was after fizz died... I went a bit overboard and ended up in the hospital. It wasn't to serious though and I was fine. I stopped partying after that. That's why I avoid drugs and drinking so much now." He explained while I looked at him with wide and angry eyes.

"How did I not know this? Why didn't you tell me?" I asked trying to remain calm. How many other secrets is he keeping? The pills and now this. This isn't helping my trust.

"I didn't tell you because it's in the past and I was stupid. And after that night with zayn I don't want to worry You. I'm sorry Haz." Louis said, reaching out for my hand that was placed on my thigh. But I pulled it away which he raised his eyebrows at.

"Are you keeping anything else from me? Because I thought we agreed to not keep anything from each other and this is an awful big secret to keep. I think we need to get it all out there. I get where you were coming from, I did the same but. " I said in a cold tone. He needs to know I'm upset. He knows how I feel about honesty. Call it trust issues, but I just need the true 100% of the time. "I found you meds too. I didn't realise it was so serious."

"Haz... I didn't keep it from you on purpose. Truth is I haven't taken them in ages, but I needed to when you was in the hospital. It just helps with... you know." Louis nodded down to his thighs with a nod of his head and I immediately got it. His cutting. I didn't realise it was still a issue.

"Oh... ok. I'm glad your ok. I just don't get why you kept it from me when I take mine and you know about them." I said furrowing my eyebrows and looking him in the eye. "You know I'm always here for you. Whenever. We have each other again and I love you. Loving you means I'm here to support you no matter what. Just don't keep things from me."

He smiled sweetly at me before pulling me into him by the neck. I went willingly and he kissed all around my face while mumbling, "I'm sorry" "i don't lie to you Haz" "I love you."

I caught his lips with mine before mumbling, "I love you too." against his mouth.


"Harry calm down. Your making me more nervous then I already am." Louis said grabbing my leg, that was bouncing up and down.

"Sorry." I said taking a deep breath and smiling at him. He smiled nervously at me.

The door bell rang and made me jump from my spot on the couch. Oh god. I'm scared. No terrified. What if he doesn't like me? Breathe Harry just breathe.

"Ok stay here and I'll get the door. That way you don't have to see her ok." I mentally thanked Louis and watched as he got up and walk towards the front door. I really don't want to see barbie face. She makes my blood boil. Especially after Louis told me what happened after Freddie was born. Evil cow.

I heard muffled voices and a giggle coming from their direction. It's ok harry. He's just a kid. Why are you so scared? Maybe because it's your boyfriends kid! Shut up. As you can tell, internal conflict is a big issue when I'm scared.

"Freds this is Harry." I snapped my head and stood up to see Louis holding the hand of a little blonde boy. I smiled and luckily, he smiled back.

"Hi Freddie. It's nice to meet you." I said as I walked over and got to his level. I held out on my and he shook with. His little hand was so tiny in mine. His face then lit up.

"Hey your in daddy's videos singing, with uncle ni and uncle Liam and uncle zaynie!" He said with a big smile. His eyes twinkled the same way as Louis'.

"Yeh I am. We are in the same band." I said with a warm smile. This is great. I love him already.

I looked up at Louis and he had a wide, closed mouth smile on his face, the one that made his eyes crinkle. That's my favourite.

This is gonna go well.

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