41: i like harry

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Louis POV

"What are you coookinggg?" I said as I walked into the kitchen and snuck up behind Harry, who was leaning on the counter and looking through his phone. He jumped a bit but then relaxed. I pressed kisses along his bare shoulders and wrapped my arms around his torso

"Ow ow Lou." Harry winced and struggled out of my grasp. I knocked his bruise with my cast.

"Oh shit sorry love. Are you ok?" I immediately apologised and looked at him with sorry eyes.

"It's ok lou. It's just a bit sore still." He said with a genuine smile as he placed his hands on my hips, while I snaked mine around his neck. "And pancakes. They're ready too."

I smiled at him. I love his pancakes. I don't know how he gets them so fluffy. I leant up and kissed him. He turned us around so I was leant up against the counter. I got whiplash from his movements. He lifted me up and I sat on the island. He licked my bottom lip for entrance and I let his tongue in. I played with the curls at the back of his head as he moved his hands up and down my thighs. I could tell his was desperate from not being together in over a week now. But we needed to wait to heal. I already had to stop us twice the day we came back.


We immediately pulled apart and Harry stepped away as I watched Freddie walking with rubbing his eyes. I sighed in relief when I knew he hadn't seen anything. I want to tell him probably, not by him walking in on us.

"Morning sun! Haz made us pancakes!" I said as I jumped off the counter and scooped him up and kissed his forehead, which made him giggle and squirm. He was so big now.

I put him down on one of the tall island chairs as Harry put a plate of small pancakes in front of him. He smiled and hoofed into his food.

"Like them?" Harry asked amused as he watched the boy finish two pancakes within a few minutes.

"Yes! More!" He yelled with a huge smile and a mouthful.

"Hey! Manners please." I warned as I sat next to him with a plate and slid one to Harry, who stood on the other side of the island.

"Sorry. Can I please have one more?" Freddie asked politely. I don't know when he grew up so fast, but he did and he makes me so proud.

I watched lovingly as Harry placed another pancake on his plate and Freddie thanked him. Freddie really likes him, which I knew he would, but I was still nervous. I mean you boyfriend, who you just got back with and got in a car crash with, meeting your kid for the first would make anyone nervous. Just me more so when said kid is one of the reasons you broke up and drifted apart even more, then resulting in not talking for years. Anyway, that's in the past. And look at them. Their too cute. But I'm also nervous for another reason. I've never introduced Freddie and any girlfriends or boyfriends before.

"Freddie?" I said trying to get the boys attention away from the pretty hexagon pattern on the again empty plate. Where the boy puts all this food is beyond me. He looked up me.

"So you have to go home this afternoon but I'm gonna see soon when I'm in tour ok?" I said and he smiled and nodded. "But I want to tell you something else ok?" He nodded again.

"Harry..." I gestured to Harry with my head and Freddie looked at him then back to me. "He's my boyfriend."

Freddie looked at me, then at Harry. And back and forth a few times.

"Oh ok." He said finally with a smile. "I like Harry."

I let go of a breathe I didn't know I was holding in and I looked over at Harry, who looked just as relieved and had a huge dimply smile.

"I like you too Freddie." Harry said and Freddie jumped off his chair and ran around the island. I watched as Freddie grabbed Harry's long leg and hung off it like a koala.
He giggled as Harry tried to jokingly shake him off and ruffled his hair a bit.

Thank god that went well.


"I'll see you soon Freds." Harry said as he hugged the boy and then let go, but not before ruffling his hair.

"Stooooppp." Freddie giggled and then jumped up to hug me.

I placed kisses all over his face as Briannas car pulled up and she got out. I put the boy down and grabbed his bag.

"How'd it go?" Brianna asked quietly as I met her halfway to her car and passed her freds' backpack. Harry stayed in the house, leaning in the door way.

"See you soon sun!" I called out as Freddie waved as he got in the back seat. "Yeh good, he really likes Harry."

"Bye Hazza!" Freddie called putting as he shut the car door. Harry gave him a wave. Freddie has decided to call Harry hazza, since I call him that and uncle would be a bit weird you know?

"I'm glad. I know you told him before that you like guys too but I was still nervous to see his reaction." Brianna said with a smile.

"Trust me, me too." I said as I gave her a goodbye hug.

She put the bag in the back and go in the drivers seat. I waved them off, with Freddie waving back with a huge smile. I miss that boy so much.

I walked back up to the house and was met by a pouting Harry with his arms crossed against his chest. I just laughed a little and walked inside, knowing he was jealous.

"Why did she get a hug and I didn't?" I could tell he was joking by his tone as he walked behind me.

I stopped and turned around quickly before kissing him deeply.

"Because you get kisses instead."

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