15: harry's nightmare

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Harry's pov

"Tell me it's not true lou." I said in a stern tone as I stood up. I had been crying all afternoon and there was still no stopping the tears. I felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest. Like he had physical shoved his hand into my chest and pulled it out, then stomped on it.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I c-c-can't l-l-lie to y-you." He said as he began to walk closer to me. Now my heart really had been crushed.

I need him to say it.

"I-I can't believe you've d-done this. To me! After all these years! You know how I feel about trust! And you've just stripped that all away!" I was yelling now and my voice kept breaking. "Tell me the truth. Say it. Did you or d-did y-you not s-sleep with h-her?"

He just looked at me with heartbroken eyes with tears streaming out. He just kept mumbling sorrys and coming closer. I pushed him back.

"Did you or did you not sleep with her? Just tell me the truth. Is she...?." I choked on my words. I don't have the energy to keep up the yelling.

"I-Im so so so sorry H-Haz." He was sobbing now. He knew that when he answered that this is over. 5 years down the drain.

"I-I-I did."

That's all I needed to hear before I started to head towards the door. I can't do this anymore. This is too much.

"P-p-please." He said as he grabbed my wrist as I reached the door.

"Let go of me!" I snapped making him immediately let go.

I turned the door handle and opened the door before walking through and slamming it behind. I ran as fast as I could down the hall.

Me and Lou had been on a break for awhile now, but we had agreed that we weren't broken up. We needed time apart to deal with everything that's been happening separately. With zayn leaving and management splitting us up even more, I couldn't take it and needed some time to think, we both did. But we us being so busy, we hadn't had the chance to talk things out. The whole band was devastated after zayn left. We knew it was coming, but it still bloody hurt, but it was the best thing for him.
Louis decided he needed some time alone, which I understood considering his best friend just left him. But zayn was my brother too.

I had a call with zayn one night before he left. He was in such a bad place. I knew he had a drug problem, I just didn't know the extent. We all knew him and Liam had something going on, but he had decided to end things with Perrie. That's when he told me about leaving. It broke my heart.

But this. This has shattered my heart.

I knocked on the door so hard my knuckles were red raw and starting to bleed. It was 2am so it took he while to answer.

"What the fuck- oh my god harry what's happened!" Liam said as he saw my distraught face. He opened his arms and I lept into them and collapsing.

We sat in the floor of the hallway as I sobbed.

"He he ch-cheated o-on m-m-me."

I woke up to Louis voice telling to wake up and it was just a dream. I opened my eyes was met by lou's staring at me, terrified.

He was holding my cheek in one hand and my arm in the other. I immediately pushed him off me and stared at him. I was also terrified. Then I remembered, where I am.

"Oh my god lou im so sorry." I begged as I looked at him.

"Shh it ok Haz. Don't be sorry." He said as he pulled me into an embrace and stoked my head. His hug was so warm, it almost made me forget about the dream. "What- what was it about?" He whispered quietly.

"I uh- I don't remember." I knew if I told him, he would be heartbroken. But I can tell he already knew what it was about. He had this somber but guilty look on his face. But he let it go.

I'm just so glad he's here. It was hell waking up from my dreams without him for so long. It took me so long to recover after.

We moved so we were laying down comfortably. I laid my head on his chest as he held me close. His breathing patterns of his chest rose and fell calmed me down as I thought about what happened after my dream ended...

"Come on H. Come inside. Nialls with liv tonight so it's just me." Liam said as he pulled us off the ground and we stumbled into the room.

He sat us on the bed and pushed my long hair out of my face. I was absolutely exhausted and covered in sweat and tears.

"Tell me what exactly happened." Liam said calmly as he rubbed my back in a circular motion.

"L-lou got a-a message this a-afternoon o-on his phone w-when he wasn't there. I ch-checked who it w-was and it was this girl called Brianna s-saying that she s-she's... she's p-pregnant and it's l-l-lou's." As I said that last sentence I looked up at Liam. He was crying too but also looked like he was ready to commit murder.

"We had a fight and he a-admitted i-it and I l-left... I cant b-believe he's d-done this." I covered my face with my hands. Liam pulled me into a hug.

He didn't say anything, just listened to me and comforted me.

"What do you want to do about it then." Liam said finally after I had calmed down enough to stop crying. Sympathy in his eyes. "We have a concert in two days. Your gonna have to face him eventually."

"I don't think I can go back to him after this you know. Our relationship was already barely holding on aswell. All we do is fight and we've been in a break for over two weeks now." I said as I shrugged, looking down at the silver peace ring on my middle finger and twisted it. The one Louis gave me. My promise ring.

I sighed deeply and laid back on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. As I came to the realisation I felt nothing. I felt numb.

"It's over."

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