8: backstory

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Hi so I went through and changed the story line of this book to make more sense with what I'm writing now. So if your already read the previous chapters before this ones been released you should go back and read them again. Plus I edited it a bit and it's better written now. So yeh enjoy xx

Harry's pov

"Hey Lila is coming to pick me up and take me home to pack so some stuff up. So I'll be back in about a hour or so."

My head immediately shot up to look at louis. Who's Lila? Wait no I don't care.

It's probably his girlfriend.

I may have stared at him too long when he stared back giving me a weird look. I just put my head down and drew my attention back to my phone. I'd been using the device as a cover to avoid Louis all morning and it had been working. But I still snuck a few glances over at him.

He looked really good. Healthy. Well as healthy as possible as after last night events. He'd cut his hair and I really liked it, and his outfit made him looks really fit... wait no I don't think about him like that anymore. Plus he looked a bit thinner now, but like in a good way if you get why I mean?

He soon walked out and I heard the front door close.

"I'm just gonna use the bathroom." I said as I stood up and walking away with giving anyone a chance to reply.

I made my way into the guest I was staying in because I knew it had a window that faced down onto the street. I peaked through the curtains and saw Louis and this gorgeous looking model hugging and smiling at each other before getting into the car.

Yep girlfriend. It's ok. I'm not jealous... well maybe I am. Me and Lou haven't seen each other in years, no matter been together in years. I'm not surprised he has moved on. Just because I haven't been able to, doesn't mean he hasn't.

Don't get me wrong I tried really hard to after we broke up for the last time. At first I got with Kendall because management hooked us up and she was really nice and I did genuinely like her. But she brought to much public attention and I wasn't used to that you know, so I ended it. That was when I was still in the band and I could tell it made Louis very jealous, and to be honest I liked that attention from him. It was the only interaction I was getting with him.

After that it was just the odd date or hook up. Nothing really went further. But after the realise of my first album I got with Camille. At first I didn't really like her because again, modest linked us up. But soon it developed into something real and I did love her, but it wasn't the same type of love as I had with Lou. Anyway, our relationship didn't end well when she ended hooking up with her ex, so I ended it. Plus I couldn't really fully commit. I was hurt but I got over it. Just brought up all my trust issues and problems.

It's been about a year since then and I've only had the occasional hook up, mostly because i was on tour and that stuff just happens, and also I just can't get over him properly.

I've been through a lot these years after the band and I know that Louis has too. I've definitely changed and not for the better. It's just been one issue after the other.

For a year or so after my first tour ended, I lost the plot a bit. I went out parting every night and took god knows what. I surprised it managed to stay out of the news considering how much I went out and embarrassed myself.

One night I took someone and it wasn't good. I somehow ended up at Mitch and Sarah's , who are apart of my band and my best friends, and telling them I couldn't go on and it hurt to much to live. I was fucked up. To be honest, all I wanted to do was find louis and make things better. But we had ended for a reason and I had no idea where he was. I'd promised myself I'd stay away from any news about him.

I ended up staying with them for a few motnths because I couldn't be alone. I got help and everything since then I've stayed away from drinking so much and drugs . I'm doing a lot better now thankfully. I don't know where I'd be know if I hadn't improved.

I admitted to myself when I found out the band was getting back together, that I was not over Louis. How could I be? I was basically married to the guy and we were together for just under 5 years! That realisation just made this whole 'staying at Liam and zayn's' a lot more awkward.

I went through my suitcase which I had Jeff drop off this morning and pulled out some clean clothes. I then showered and got changed before finding the rest of the boys in the kitchen. Niall was cooking while Zayn and Liam laughed at him because knowing Niall, something stupidly funny was coming out his mouth.

"What are we having?" I asked as I sat next to Zayn and learnt on the counter top with my elbows.

"Bacon and eggs. Hangover food." Niall said turning around and winking. I'm glad that he hasn't changed, considering I haven't seen him in a good year or so. I just smiled back, shaking my head.

Louis pov

I dropped off Lila at her house and told her she have time off for a couple weeks. Then I headed home.

Once I arrived, I quickly packed a bag and then headed for a quick shower. My thoughts soon wandered to last night. To that small moment with Harry when we're were leaving the restaurant. I don't remember clearly, but I remember feeling the butterflies in my stomach when I looked into his eyes.

I got dressed in a causal pair of black sweats and a black hoodie. Then a paired opit with a pair of white sneakers. I quickly styled my hair a bit and then headed out the door.

I walked though unlocked front door to the smell of bacon and eggs. My thoughts of being in the same room as Harry again were immediately taken over, I'm starving.

"Left some for me I hope." I said with a cheeky grin as I walked into the kitchen and met with the lads sitting around the kitchen island. I made eye contact with Harry who was again staring at me. Why is he always looking at me like that? He must still hate me.

"Plates there mate." Niall said with a full mouth. It broke me out of my staring contest to see look at Niall who was smiling smugly and motioning to a plate next to Harry. What's he up too?

I headed to my seat and immediately started to dig into my meal. The others were just chatting about what they been up too. Except Harry. That's when I looked up to see he was just picking at some toast and had hardly touch his food, when I had already finished mine.

"If you aren't gonna eat that I will have it." I said to him. He looked at me before looking down at the plate and pushing it towards me.

"Sure be my guest." As he replied my fingers brushed against his as he handed over the plate. I immediately left a shot of electricity shoot up my arm. And I think he felt to, judging by him pulling his hand away suddenly and looking me straight in the eyes.

I soon got lost in the sight of his green orbs sparkling brightly. He always had the most hypnotic eyes. They're always been one of my favourite things about him...

"Ok I reckon we sort out the rooms hey?" Liams voice broke us out of our trance. What the fuck was that?

"We only have two guest rooms so two of you will have to share." Liam added. Niall looked me and then at Harry with a smirk before running out the kitchen.

"I bags the free one!" I heard him yell from the stairs. Oh no he fucking didn't! I could tell my face was starting to go red at the thought of Harry and I having to share a room. I have no idea how this is gonna go.

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