20: last day away from reality

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*smut warning 😉*

Harry's pov

I was packing my bags when I felt arms wrap around my waist. It was late on our last night staying at Liam and zayn's. I'm not ready to face the world yet. I just want to stay in mine and louis' love bubble a little longer. I know tomorrow is gonna be stressful because we all have meetings with management and then I have a meeting with my team about how we are gonna handle my solo career from now on. Then we have over two weeks off.

Two weeks alone with Lou. Without the other three always lingering. We've planned that we'll stay at his and then head to mine next week because my mums visiting. We don't want to be apart because we know we won't have us much time together once the reunion starts up.

Louis and I are in a even better place after our talk last week and have been masterminding our plan. It's gonna be great. Even though I hated having management on our backs all the time all those years ago. Me and Louis both kinda liked sneaking around bit. We enjoyed the privacy that came with it and watching the fans find our clues we dropped sometimes. Liam and zayn always do the same thing too. I just wish Louis and I had more time together, but that's not gonna change now, it's in the past.

Louis' arms unwrapped themselves from my waist as I zipped up my suitcase. I watched him as he headed to the bathroom without a word. Hmm. What's he up to?

I placed my suit case next to the front door of the house and then headed back upstairs to our room. The house was quiet now as it was pretty late and everyone had retired to their rooms earlier then usual.

I walked in to the bedroom and was greeted by a smirking louis, who was laying on the bed, propped up on his elbows. Oh and he was shirtless. I studied his shaved chest and looked over his tattoos. Some new, some old. I looked up to meet his blue eyes that were sparkling. Inviting me to come closer.

"Close the door love." He said in a low voice. I gulp and turned around to close the door, going slowly so it didn't make to loud of a noise. I didn't hear him come closer, but when I turned around, Lou was standing right front of me. He looked me up and down. I still had my clothes on from the day. A black and white striped tshirt and a pair of black pants. He met my eyes again and then stood on his toes a bit so he could put his arms around my neck, our faces just millimetres apart. Soon i leant forward, frustrated with the tension, and we locked lips. As soon as his tongue slid along my bottom lip asking for entrance, I could tell were this was going.

We began make out with me pressed against the door. I let Lou win the fight we had with our tongues for dominance. We only broke away to take my shirt off and his hands rested on my bare chest. I felt his hands slide down my torso, my abs twitching under his touch, and then reached the belt of my pants.

"Can I?" He asked as he pulled away, only a centimetre away though.

"Please." I said.

He soon made quick work of getting my belt unbuckled and off me. Then dropping it to the floor. He then undid the button of my pants. We began to kiss again as he unzipped the zip. He grabbed the waist of my pants and slid them down. I tugged them off my feet, still never disconnecting our mouths. I was then left in my boxers. I felt lou's fingers grab the waist band of them and moved his fingers along them, teasing me a little. Once a tease, always tease. I knew I was hard by now. His thigh pushed against me slightly and I moaned a little at the friction. His mouth then pulled away. I swear to god if he leaves me hanging again... I opened my eyes to see Lou lowering himself to his knees in-front of me. Just that image sent shivers through my body.

He never broke eye contact with me as he pulled down my boxers to expose my length. The cool air hit me making me shiver a little and Lou smiled wider as he stuck his tongue out and circled my tip with the tip of his tongue. I opened my mouth a little and moaned quietly as he did this. He then gently grabbed my base and licked a stripe up the underside. I moaned louder this time, I missed his mouth so much. Wow.

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