10: morning kisses

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Louis' pov

I woke up to a heavy weight draped over my torso while I laid on my back. I opened my eyes to see the room lit with the morning sun flooding in. I looked over to see Harry beside me, spread out on the bed while laying on his stomach. He would always wake up in strange positions before too. His face faces me while his head peaceful rested against the pillow. I watched him as his back rose up and down as he slept. The light lit up his face. His skin was perfect, clear of imperfections and his freckles laid in the same places as they have always.

I looked up to the ceiling as I remembered last nights events, how we are friends against, then our kiss after and then how I fell asleep in his arms. The memories made me smile.

I'm happy that happened, but also kinda of scared what it's gonna be like when he wakes up. I looked to see the time written on the clock that was on the fair wall. 7:31am. Damn it's early. Maybe we can just lay here a while. I mean I definitely don't want to move from this position. It feels like I have him back... but I know I don't.

To be honest do I want him back? I mean I never got over him, but does that mean I want him back? He really hurt me. And I really hurt him... what am I saying? Of course I want him back! I need him. I just hope he needs me too.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a kiss landing on my ear and then down my neck. He's awake. As Harry kissed just under my jaw and I let out a happy groan which caused him to smile as he kissed my jaw further up.

I turned my face to meet his and he kissed my chin, then left a drawn out kiss on my lips. Sparks went through my body. I can't believe I'm here right now, with him. I can't believe we are in bed, kissing.

Everything has happened really fast. But it just feels so natural with him. It always did. Even after fights and even our first break up. We just found our way back to each other. People who knew about us back then always said we looked like we were meant for each. And honestly I thought we were, or still are. But a lot has happened and we have spent so much time apart. We need to figure everything out before we jump into something. Because honestly, I don't think my heart or body could take loosing him in such a devastating way again.

"Hmm goodmorning lou." Harry's raspy morning voice said quietly as he pulled his lips away, eyes still closed.

"Morning Haz. Did you sleep well?" I asked back in the same satisfied tone. His morning voice was always so attractive.

"Very well." He answered with a content smile. He opened his eyes for the first time this morning and I was met with his gorgeous green orbs. I could just start at them all day. It sounds sappy but it's true. "How bout you?"

"I slept great." I answered him with my smile growing slightly bigger. Our close proximity made my stomach flutter a bit.

He then mored his position and I sighed a little at the loss of his touch. But then I was pulled in to his chest as he now laid on his side. His warmth warmed me up more and I snuggled into his soft tshirt. I would much prefer him shirtless right now, but I try not to be greedy.

We just laid there for around half an hour or so, just enjoying each other's touch, that I desperately craved for so long. I'm just glad that this reunion has brought us back together, even if I don't know what we are.

"Lou?" Harry asked. I could feeling his chest vibrate as he spoke. "What's gonna happen when we leave this room? What.. what are we?" I could hear his nervousness in his voice.

He obviously had similar thoughts to me. I thought for a moment before answering. I'm not sure where we stand. Last night we kissed, then cuddled, this morning we kissed, and now we are cuddling again. All I know if that it feels right and I think it does for him too.

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