37: 223

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Louis POV

I woke up to feel aching pain throughout my whole body. I cracked my eyes open and was met by a bright light. I adjusted my eyes after a few blinks and recognised I was in a hospital room. What the fuck?

I looked down and tried to move, but stopped when I saw my arm in a cast. Did I break it? Damn. I hate hospitals, I need to get up.

I tried my best to move. There was a sharp pain in my ribs and I pressed on my side and winced more at the pain. What happened?

I studied the room again and Niall asleep in a chair next to the bed, drool coming down his chin. I laughed a little at the picture but winced again when my ribs ached.

"Niall?" I said trying to get him to wake up. He didn't move.

"Niall!" I yelled and he jumped about three feet in the air and looked at me with wide eyes.

"Oh thank fuck Lou!" He said loudly and jumped up and hugged me, me still lying in the hospital bed. Sharp pain came from my side as he hugged me tightly.

"Ow ow fuck Niall my ribs." I said as I closed my eyes.

"Oh sorry sorry." He apologised and pulled away like he'd burned me.

"It's ok. Just a bit sore." I said as his face dropped even more. "Wait what happened?"

I studied his sad features as he pulled his chair closer to the bed and sat down, looking me straight in the eye.

"The other night, after you left the restaurant... Do you remember what happened?" Niall said as he held his hands together and never broke eye contact.

"Um I was in the car with Harry. In the back seat and there was a car... oh my god!" I said as I came to the realisation of what happened. A car crashed into us. We got in an accident.

"Yeh. A car hit your car and um..." he paused and looked down at his hands before looking up again. "The driver didn't make it. He died."

Oh fuck. This is terrible. That's why I'm in the hospital. Fuck. Wait Harry. Harry. Where's Harry? No No no.

"H-Harry? Is h-he o-o-ok?" I stuttered as I felt tear burn my eyes. Please be ok.

"We don't know yet-" Niall started.

"What do you mean you don't know!" I snapped as tears fell down my cheeks. I sat up, ignoring the aches. He needs to be ok.

"Louis! Calm down! They rushed him into emergency surgery . Something about metal going through his side." He furrowed his eyebrows, I could tell he's trying to make sense of what happened. This isn't Nialls situation. He's not built for sadness. "He came out of and it went well, but he's lost a lot of blood. He hasn't woke up yet. But liam and zayn are with him and Anne's here."

Relief washed over my body when he said he's not dead. But he hasn't woken up. I don't know what to think. Harry needs to be ok. I can't loose him. I just got him back. I need him. He needs me.

"Louis Tomlinson?" I turned my head to the door and saw a young nurse smiling as she walked in. "It's good to see you up, you've been asleep for a day or so. I just need to do some check ups if that's ok?"

I just nodded. I don't know what to think anymore.

She checked my side and if I had a concussion, which I did but it was mild. That's what knocked me out. She told me I'd broken my arm but it's not serious and will heal quick, as well as two broken ribs which were indicated by a huge purple bruise. She informed me that they want me to stay over night for a couple days, which I couldn't fight against because my thoughts were plagued with Harry's face just before the accident, and his words...
The nurse helped me out of bed and told me to move as much as possible, but not to hurt myself. Apart from my ribs and arm, I was physically fine. But not mentally. I quietly requested for her to refill my script which she brought to me within ten minutes.

After she left, I turned my attention to Niall, who was watching me with worried eyes as I placed the pill bottle on the table beside my bed. "What room is he in?" I managed to say softly.

"223. It's only a few rooms down." Niall replied with a sympathetic smile. "Cmon."

He helped me limp down the hallway as my legs were stiff and knocked on the door of room 223. My heart rate was through the roof. I don't know what I'm gonna be walking into.

Liam peaked out of behind the door and smiled widely as he saw me. He gestured us into a larger room then mine that was separated into two by a blue curtain that blocked any view from the door. Safety measures incase some gets in. Niall helps me along around the curtain and zayn gave me a sympathetic smile as well. I don't need anyone's sympathy. I need Harry.

I looked towards the bed and was met by Harry. He was sleeping peacefully. He looked like an angel. But he was connected to machines and a drip and was definitely not just asleep. He was unconscious. I started breathing heavily and I felt nialls grip in my arm get harder to hold me up in case I fall. Harry's not ok. He needs to be ok. No no no. This shouldn't be happening. No we should be back at my house by now, cuddling while he whispers sweet nothings that make me giggle or be laughing our asses off at a movie he insisted on watching or be in a stupid meeting with Simon. Not here. I felt my chest get tighter and tighter as I struggled for air.

"Louis." I heard a female voice from behind me and I turned around to see Anne coming the doorway.

That's when I broke down. I couldn't hold it anymore. She rushed over and pulled me in. Her arms wrapped around me as I sobbed harder and harder. I gripped to her shirt for dear life.

"Shh shh I know."

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