21: forever + always

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Louis POV

I definitely didn't wanna leave. Harry had to drag me out of bed by my legs and throw my clothes at me to get dressed. I would happily go naked all day so i don't know why he would make me get dressed! He'd only be the one missing out!
I know I get to spend the next weeks with Harry, but we have meetings before then. We first have to pretend to not really like each other still for Simon and then have to be apart for our own solo meetings. Me and Haz haven't really been apart from each other for more then 30 minutes since we got back together. Not to sound like a clingy teenager, but I'm gonna miss him.

I dragged my suitcase down stairs and placed it next to the others. I pulled out my phone to check the time. 9:35 am, got few hours before our meeting with Simon. I met the other lads in the kitchen and sat in my usual spot next to Harry. I could tell he was uncomfortable in the chair as he kept moving positions every minute or so. I just grinned to myself every time he did, reminding me of last night. That was fucking great.

Haz and I took my car to mine and Liv picked Ni up. I love Liv so much. She's always been one of my best friends. She's one of those friends you just pick up where you left off with, even if you haven't seen each other in a long time. We only got to talk quickly though as we had to go. Harry and I drove to mine with the music blasting and singing along.

I'm actually really glad that we spent the last couple weeks together, all of us. We all got even closer, like how we were in the band. And I'm really happy zayn decided to come back. It was never the same with out him. It was nice us all being together in one place again.

I pulled up to my gate and buzzed the gate open. Harry's never been here before. After we broke up, we sold the small house we got together and split the profits, I never saw him during the deal though. I bought this place straight after. I love this house so much. It's big but not too big, and close to the city but not to close, not to far from Liam and zayn's across. It has plain brick for the exterior and has black wooden details. It's way more homey then my LA place. I feel like it's very me.

I parked the car and we both got out. I handed Haz his bag and he followed me inside.

"Wow lou. This place is really nice." He said with a big smile as he looked around, admiring the large open plan living area and kitchen. It's mostly white inside, but is warmed up by darker toned furniture. Throughout the house, I put fairy lights up. Freds love them. I'm just sad he doesn't come to England apart from in Christmas and New Years. I soon led Harry upstairs.

"I really like the fairy lights babe. Very cute." Harry said as he walked behind up the hallway. I just turned around and smiled at him. Smart ass.

"You can put your stuff in the two bottom drawers in the wardrobe just around the corner. There's a jewellery box in there so just pull it out. Imma head outside and have a smoke. Join me when you finished." As I finished speaking i smiled and placed a kiss on his cheek. He smiled fondly at me.
I then headed out my balcony door and stood there looking out at the pool as I lit my cigarette.

Harry's pov

I placed my bag down and opened one of the two draws. I put my pants and sleeping clothes in that one. I then opened the second one and saw the jewellery box. It was the old one he had from when we lived together. His mum gave him it for Christmas one year because he always loved it as a kid. It was dark red wood colour with gold hinges and handles. I smiled as I pulled it out and placed it on the vanity counter at the end of the walk in wardrobe. I slowly opened the top but i was only met by the mirror that was on inside of the lid. I opened the top draw that was also empty. I then opened the bottom draw and I was met with something that shocked me.

My ring. My promise ring.

I had mailed it to him after we split because I couldn't bear to look at it and, as petty as I am, I wanted to make him feel bad. I picked it up and admired it. It is a silver ring with the word 'peace' engraved. I studied the inside and read what was written: 'To H Love L Forver + Always". I smiled fondly at the ring. I never took it off after he gave it to me.

He gave it to me when we went to dinner in our third anniversary of us dating, on 28th of September, 2013. We had dinner at this fancy restaurant and he surprised me with it in my drink. I did almost choke on it. We were both really happy that night.

I placed the ring on the counter and quickly finished unpacking. Before i went to find Lou, I grabbed the ring and twirled it around my hand. I walked in to the bedroom and saw Lou standing against the thick railing of the balcony, the door was wide open.

I walked out and leaned my side against the railing too so I was facing him. He smiled at me, and then noticed me holding the ring up on the tip of my finger, smiling back at him. His eyes darting between the ring and my face and then back the ring. He looked a bit scared. He then put out the cigarette and flicks it off the side.

"Already snooping Haz?" He said with a smirk. I roll my eyes but smile back. I always snoop, probably part of my trust issues. Or so that one therapist I went to said, he was useless that one.

"No I wasn't snooping. Not on purpose anyway. I found it in your jewellery box. I thought you would have got rid of it." I say that last sentence looking down at the ring as I roll it between my fingers.

"I couldn't get rid of it Haz. Wouldn't even think about it." He says. I look up at his eyes that are now somber. "If you want... you could wear it again. For me. Not as a promise ring if you don't want. Just as a gift from me."

I thought over what he just offered. I want lou. I never want to be without him again. I think it's too soon though. I mean we haven't even said "I love you" yet. I mean I definitely do love him. I never stopped loving him. I've just been to scared I'd scare him away. I just don't know.... you know what? Fuck it. I'm taking it as it comes. "Of course I'll wear it again, for you. It'll only be a promise ring if you make it." I say with a smile.

"Do you want it to be a promise ring again?" He asked with a hint of hope in his eyes.

"Like I said. Only if you make it and give it to me properly." I reply with a cheeky smile. My words make him smile and he takes the ring of my grasp. He then crouched down onto on knee and holds the ring up with both hands.

"Harry Edward Styles. Will you take this promise ring?" He says with a wide smile and sparkles in his eyes. The sun rains down on his sculpted face. How did I get so damn lucky?

"Yes I will." And with that he gets up and slides the ring onto my middle finger of my left hand. It fits like a glove, just like it did before. I look up at him and smile widely back. He makes me so fucking happy. But then his smiles disappears as he stares at the ring on my finger.

"You can't wear it without Simon noticing." He says as he meets my eyes. Simon knows about the ring, I mean I wore it for years.

"What if I wear it on my necklace?" I say as I pull my necklace from under my shirt. All that hangs on the necklace is a silver cross, the ring would match well. I hold the cross up to show Louis where I mean.

"That's a great idea Haz! Here take it off." He says as his smile returns. I undo the clasp and take the necklace off. I hand it to Lou and I slide the ring off my finger then hand it to him also. He slids the ring gently down the chain so it meets with the cross.

"Here turn around." He says and I follow his instructions. He places the necklace over my head to my chest, then does the clasp up. He brushed his hands down my shoulders and turns me to face him again.

"Lovely." He says as we both admire the ring. "One day, I promise you will be able to wear that on the outside of your shirt. Back on your finger."

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