9: bedroom dramas

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Harry's pov

Well fuck. Honestly fuck Niall. Who makes someone stay in a room with their ex who they haven't seen in years and left on terrible terms?

Niall Horan does.

Oh well. The only reason I'm complaining is that it's gonna be awkward. I mean I still have feelings for louis and after our moment in the kitchen, I'm more confused then ever. Does he still have feelings for me too? Honestly thought he'd still hate my guts.

It was dark out now and we all just spent the day catching up and talking about how it sucked we all haven't been together in so long. We also talked about the reunion and our feelings on it. We were all on the same page, scared but ecstatic at the same time.

We watched a few movies too, and I kept catching Louis looking my way. But every time I did, he quickly looked away. I wonder what he's thinking?

We had a late dinner and all decided to go back to our rooms as it was around 10pm.

"I'll sleep on the couch if you want?" I said we walked towards the bed room.

"Only if you want too. I don't mind really." Louis said in a kind of nervous voice. Then he suddenly added more confidentially, "I think we should talk anyway."

I just nodded and followed him into the bedroom and shut the door behind us. Louis sat cross legged on the bed and patted to a spot next to him for me to sit down. I mimicked his action. He looked really cute sitting there.

"So I just wanna start by saying I don't want this to be awkward." Louis started.

"Me neither." I said back looking him straight in the eyes. He smiled slightly.

"I think for this whole reunion thing to work, we need to solve the problems between us first." I nodded my head in agreement.

"Ok..." he took a shaky breath and looked down at himself lap. "Firstly I want to say sorry for how everything went down."

I noticed him fiddling with his fingers nervously. I placed my hand over his and he immediately shot up to look at me. 

"I'm really sorry how everything went down too. I really want to be civil again. If you'll have me as a friend?" I said. I don't want to be just friends but I can't say that. He's moved on. And I can't let my guard down again that fast.

"I would really like that Haz." Louis said with that large happy smile, I could tell he was being genuine and that made my heart do a little flip. The use of my nickname made the butterflies in my stomach bounce around more. I smiled back.

"Can I give you a hug?" I blurted out suddenly, even surprising myself.

"Sure. Come here." Louis said opening his arms. I leant forward and he wrapped his arms around me tight, I did the same to him.

I could feel all the unresolved tension fade away. The touch of his skin sent shivers down my spine that warmed my whole body. I smiled as he leaned further into my neck. I have missed his touch so much, more then I realised. The happy sigh that he let out indicated that you could feel the same relief, and that made me smile wider.

"We should go to sleep." Lou said after a few minutes of being in each other's arms. Neither of us moved.

"Yeh, we should." I said and soon we started to pull apart.

I studied his face and could see large bags under his eyes, he looked as exhausted as I was.

We soon began to get under the covers and I turned off the bedside lamp that lit up the room.

It was strange knowing that Louis was in the same bed beside me. I never thought this would happen again, especially after all these years and the fights.

I relaxed into the bed laying on my back and tried to keep my eyes closed. But I just couldn't. The feeling that his touch sent through my body was still there and I longed for more. I knew Louis would be asleep by know, but I couldn't fall asleep as much as I tried.

After about half an hour or so I shifted to my side. I was met by Louis facing me also on his side. I stared at him for a few moments until he opened his eyes to look right back at me. My breath was knocked out of me by the sight of his blue eyes that managed to stay as bright as possible in the darkness.

The only light in the room was from moonlight flooding in from the windows that were covered by sheer grey curtains. The light lit up Louis face a little, showing every indent and crevices of his face.

My eyes went down from his eyes to his nose and then to his lips. I really want to fucking kiss him. But I shouldn't.

I looked up to his eyes again and saw that he was also staring at my lips. His eyes then quickly flashed back to meet mine. Then he slowly moved closer to me. I responded by moving closer also until of faces were only a centimetre apart.

The only thoughts in my head were for me to kiss him. Kiss him. Kiss him. Kiss him.

He moved closer again and I could feel his heavy breath that matched mine on my mouth. Slowly he inched his lips forward until they were on top on mine. I froze for shock and he didn't move. Reveling in the moment. Electricity shot through my body.

He slowly pulled back a little and we both opened our eyes. "Was... is that ok?" He asked in whisper.

"Yes." Is all replied with as I leant forward and kissed him back.

This time we moved our lips further into each other. His hand then rested on my chest making even more sparks shoot through me. I moved my hand to rest at the back of him hair and pulled at his hair softly, the way I knew he liked it.

He gasped a little at my action and I took that opportunity to slip my tongue into his mouth, which he welcomed. Soon we were full on making out.

It then began to slow down to just a few kisses to then again we were just staring at each other. This time with huge smiles on our raw lips.

At that moment I felt on top of the world. I've been waiting for that for years. I missed it so much. I've missed him so much. I could see in his eyes he possibly felt the same.

Louis then moved in closer. I rolled on my back again and I felt his head rest on my chest. I wrapped my arm around him.

As we fell asleep I could feel the smile never leave my face. I just hope it not awkward in the morning...

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