11: picnic in the park

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There's only so much you can do when your a celebrity and get recognised everywhere you go. So with us being us, we were limited where we could go, and then restricted again by Simon saying "don't be seen together without me telling you to be", blah blah blah.

Harry came up with the idea that we go had a picnic lunch at the park near the house. It was on the corner of the block and the only people that visited were residents of the area, and most were celebs too, so they would understand our privacy. So we all thought it was a great idea.

Zayn and Niall went into the garage to find picnic blankets that Zayn swore he had. But it took them over an hour to find them because Niall ended up having a box fall on his head and knock him out cold. When he woke up he was fine though thankfully. I really don't like hospitals, for multiple reasons.

Liam and Harry made snacks in the kitchen, while I went out to the shop nearby to grab beers and that because we had drank majority of them when we came back after the night at the restaurant. I managed to avoid being spotted apart from two girls who pointed at me. I smiled at them but they freaked out and didn't come over. Sometimes it was funny how fans react. I swear I heard one of them whisper "Larry" though. I think it was because I borrowed a pair of Harry's red adidas sneakers and they had spotted them. It was funny how me and Haz are the same shoe size considering how he is like half a head taller then me. Anyway, luckily they left without taking any pictures I was aware of.

Throughout the day Harry and done things to tease me and get a reaction. He used to do this when I was mad at him all those years ago and I usually ended up one way. Me craving before the end of the day and taking my frustration out on him that night. But I have more will power now. Hopefully.

At one point I was in the kitchen with him and Liam just talking while the made the sandwiches. It was hot in the kitchen and Harry was sweating so it took it upon him self to wipe his forehead with the bottom of his shirt. In the process, exposing his abs. And I mean rock hard abs, he was way more ripped them before. Like wow. He'd put some models to shame with them. Actually he is a model what am I talking about? I made a mental note to search up photoshoots he's done. I couldn't stop staring at him until he said "take a picture lou, it'll last longer" with a smug smile and then waltzed out of the kitchen. Liam just pulled a awkward face like 'ok I'm just gonna stand here awkwardly'. Thankfully he didn't question anything. As far as the others are concerned for now is that we are civil, I don't want them meddling. Especially Liam after everything that happened...

That brings us too now, in the park, under the large trees having our cute little picnic. Even though we are all grown men, we are all enjoying this a lot. Maybe a little much but there's no one around to judge us. We are just eating and drinking beer and talking about everything that's happened since the band went on hiatus. It's good to have my brothers back.

I tried my hardest not to look at Harry but I couldn't help myself but send him glances, considering he was staring at me the whole time practically.

He wore a loose and flowy button up that had a flower print on it and left the top buttons undone to reveal his chest. I could see his swallow tattoos and it made me reminisce of all the times I spent tracing the eyebrows on them. One was sculpted after me and the other after him.
He paired the top with a pair of jeans. His hair was long but I could tell he'd only cut it not long ago, it was a similar style to what he had in 2013. Kinda wish he would grow it out longer again so I can run my fingers through it again like I did before... everything ended.

That's one thing we should talk about: the breakup or breakups. Because even after the first one we just kind of moved on without talking about it and getting over it. We just rushed back into what we had before. I that's why he had so many trust issues the second time round I reckon. Anyway back to the picnic.

We had a great afternoon and soon it was getting dark, so we packed up and headed back to the house.  We were all a bit tipsy, especially Niall. He's always been quite a drinker.

When we got to the house, we just watched a movie in the game room. I tried to sit as far away from Harry as possible.

"Oh shit." Zayn said out of nowhere, interrupting my favourite scene from grease. I looked over to see him looking at his phone with wide eyes as he read something. "Louis look at this."

He handed me the phone and I saw it was a tweet by a larry account. Oh fucking awesome. The tweet was a photos of me today at the grocery store beside a photo of Harry wearing the exact same shoes I had on. "Oh shit." I mimicked.

"What is it?" Harry asked as he saw my shocked expression. I tossed the phone and I watched as he snorted a bit as he read the tweet. "I think you stepped in that one Lou. Literally." He said as he looked up and passed the phone back to zayn.

"What is it?" Niall asked, not taking his eyes off the screen as he shoved a handful of popcorn into his mouth.

"Lou got caught wearing haz's sneakers out today and the larries are going off their heads." Zayn said with a laugh.

Liam shot me a look. I couldn't tell if it was shock or disgust. He's hard to read sometimes.

"Oh well it is what it is." I said with a grin as I looked Harry straight in the eyes. He had the same grin in his face.

We used to love messing with the fans a bit and dropping clue when we were in the band. Some of these fans are legit geniuses. It got a bit worrying sometimes. Hardcore directioners even starting showing up at places we didn't even know were going to. It was crazy.

Later on, Niall soon feel asleep and I was itching to have this talk with Harry after all day thinking about it. So I announced I was tired and was going to bed too, even though it was only 9pm, hoping he would get the hint and follow me. And he did.

I headed to our room, that's weird to say, but not without some looks from liam and Zayn. They just shrugged it off.

I went into the room and sat on the bed. Harry came in a minute or so later after getting water and closed the door behind him. He sat down in front of me and took a sip then placed the glass on the nightstand. Ok hear we go...

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