24: love me?

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Harry's pov

I had spent all day writing in the studio with Mitch and Niall. Turns out they were already good friends and I didn't even know. I needed a break from lou today, especially after what I let slip out this morning. It's not that I don't love him, I definitely do. Never really stopped. But of all the times I couldn't have told him, it was during sex. And on top of that, he didn't say anything back. But I honestly don't blame him. I was pretty rough... or maybe he just didn't hear me. Yep that's it. That's what I'm telling myself. He was momentarily deaf.

After the others left, I stayed for another hour or so. Somehow I had managed to write a whole song within that time, melody and everything. I'm not to sure how to feel about it. It's probably just gonna be one of the ones I keep for myself, maybe give it to another artist. It was definitely to obvious for the band and not exactly pg rated. Simon would catch on to me and lou if I showed him.

I picked up dinner on the way back to the house. We only had another day or so before we headed to mine. I was surprised he wanted to stay with me, especially considering my mum was coming to visit for a few days. They haven't talked since way before the break up. But my mum always adored Louis, and same goes for him. They should be fine. Hopefully. I'm just glad gemmas not coming though. She wasn't exactly happy when she found out that we were back together. All she said was be careful and that she'd kill him if he hurt me.

As I unlocked the front door, I heard soft snores coming from the lounge room. Louis or Clifford? I bet Louis. I sat the food down on the kitchen island and silently crept over to the couch.

I snuck up behind the couch and saw Louis laying on his back, mouth parted slightly as he softly snores. I was right, Louis. He falls asleep on the couch a lot. I kissed his forehead, then his nose and then his lips. I smiled as he began to kiss back.

He lifted his hand to ruffle through my hair that was starting to grow longer at the back. He always loved when my hair was long so he could tangle his fingers in it. One time he even braided it before a concert. When I asked where he learnt how to braid, he just laughed and told a story about how the twins used to have hissy fits if their hair wasn't braided.

I smiled at the memory and pulled away from the kiss. But not before licking the tip of his nose. He scrunched his face up and wiped his nose. He's so cute when he does that. I love waiting his reactions when I do things like that.

"Hungry? I got us dinner." I said as I stood up and looked the man down. He was wearing a oversized white hoodie and a pair of sweatpants, but he still looked hot as.

"Sure. Chinese?" He hummed as he opened his eyes. I smiled larger as I saw his blue orbs look at me fondly.

"Yep. And before you ask, I did get extra spring rolls."

"Yes!" He exclaimed as he got off the couch and headed towards the kitchen, but not before grabbing my hand and pulling me with him. I giggled a little as he limped slightly as he walked.

We sat outside and ate our dinner. We laid cuddled on the outdoor furniture, just watching the trees move in the wind and the stars above us. I tried my best not to over think this mornings events.

Louis rested his head on my shoulder and I placed a kiss on his forehead. I'm really glad we get this time together before having to go on tour. I know we've been busy and that with writing and planning. But we've had this time with each other. I want to hold on to that as long as possible.

I felt Louis lift his head up to look at me, but then quickly looked forward again as I looked. He seemed deep in thought.

"What are you thinking lou? It looks like it hurts." I smiled smugly as he looked up at me and rolled his eyes.

"Trust me that's not what hurts." He replied with a grin and a wink. I just laughed.

"Seriously though, what are you thinking about?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows to show I was being serious.

His smiled dropped a bit as he looked downwards and then met my eyes again. "I was thinking about... about what you said this morning."

My whole body tensed. So he did hear me. Oh no. I have no idea what he's gonna say next. I just hope I haven't scared him away.

"How you said you loved me. Did you mean it? Or was it just a heat of the moment thing. Because I know how you never say anything you don't mean. Because I mean I w-"

"Louis." I cut his rambling off. He looked at me, fearful at what I'm gonna say next. "I-I did mean it... I love you lou. I never stopped." I confessed. Better out then in.

He stared at me for a moment. Now I've done it. Scared him off. I just got him back and now I've ruined it. I watched as he began to smile widely and his eyes crinkled. Probably laughing at my internal break down.

"I love you too. Always have. Always will." He said softly.

I could feel my whole body shiver as electricity from his words shocked through me. He loves me back. He loves me. A huge smile broke out on my face and I grabbed his cheeks in my hands.

I linked our lips. It was like they fit together, perfectly. This is amazing. I'm actually here. With the man I love after so long apart.

Back with the man that loves me.

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