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Louis pov

I was trying my best to walk normally in the airport but was failing greatly. I was really damn sore. And if my woddling wasn't any indication of what I'd been doing, then the bite mark left on my neck would. He just couldn't help himself could he? No way am I admitting it made it so much better. It's only two nights before tours starts! Make up better help or god help Harry styles.

I heard zayn snort across from me as I sat down in my seat of the private plane. I sent him a warning look and he held his hands up in surrender with an amused look. I just shook my head annoyed and looked to Harry who was sat beside me. He had a cheeky and proud look on his face. Ass. I just sent his a fake mad look and his smirk got bigger as he looked me up and down, stopping at my neck. I just turned to look out the window and pretended to be more mad then I was. I'll get pay back later.

I saw liam come on the plane. He greeted us all apart from zayn. He didn't take he usual seat next to him either, except sat from across niall on the other side. I looked to zayn who had a hurt look on his face. He sighed and rest his chin on his hand.

He looked up and I sent him a sympathetic smile to which he sent one back.

"I thought they made up?" Harry whispered in my ear. I turned to him and we both looked at Liam.

"Yeh me too. Obviously not." I whispered back, observing Liam as he put on that obvious fake smile while chatting with Niall, who looked very uncomfortable.

The flight was a long one. From zayn and Liam not talking to Harry falling asleep on my shoulder, which I didn't mind until he started drooling my new jumper. But I just let him sleep.

"How's he doing?" Zayn asked in a hushed voice making sure not to wake him.

"Yeh his sides healing really well. I can tell it hurts him but he plays it off it doesn't." I replied as I looked down and admired how peaceful he looks sleeping, even with his mouth wide open.

"Good. How are you though?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows and studying my face.

"Trying to walk." I said with a smug smile. That made zayn laugh and shake his head.

"You know what I mean lou." He said becoming serious again but relaxing back in his seat.

"Yeh I'm ok. I'm just glad he's ok. Still worried about him you know? Worried about everything really. About this reunion and the contracts." I confessed as I looked down at Harry sleeping on my shoulder. I looked back at zayn.

"Don't worry lou. We are all here for you." He said with a small smile. He turned his attention to liam when he let out a loud laugh and his smile dropped.

"I thought you two made up. You know since-"

"Me too. But he's avoided me for a few days now. Decided to stay in a hotel instead of the house." Zayn interrupted me still looking longingly at Liam.

I just nodded and made a mental note to talk to Liam later on. I don't like when these two fight and it's the last thing we need going on tour.

A few hours later, our plane landed in London. I just about dragged a half a sleep harry off the plane and through the airport.

The crowd outside was insane.

This was our first public appearance since the announcement of the tour and the accident. The flashes of the cameras were crazy and the yelling was deafening. Harry and I stayed apart as we made our way towards the car since we can't been seen that close together.

When we reached the car, I got a text from Simon telling Harry and I to meet him at his office as soon as we could, and that's when it hit me. What are we gonna say about me and Harry being in the car together, alone, during the crash?

We'd both just kind of been ignoring the situation up until now. I have no idea what we are gonna do. We still have our contract till half way through tour , so we can't come out. We are both just gonna have to say that we were leaving early and were riding together, we are in the same band.

Harry was gittery in the car in the way to simons office. I placed my hand on his thigh to stop his leg from bouncing up and down and he immediately grabbed it in his.

"I didn't take my meds this morning." Harry confessed as he looked at me with wide and nervous eyes. I knew how he would be feeling. The more I think about it, the more I realise how bad management fucked us up.

"It's ok. There's nothing to be nervous about. Well see what he has to say. Come up with a solution. Then go to mine yeh?" I said squeezing his hand.

He nodded and flashed a nervous smile, but I could tell he relaxed a bit more.

"I don't like barbie face hugging you or Racquel having dates with you." He complained as we went inside.

I laughed a little at the nicknames and his randomness, turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck, before kissing him very passionately.

"Well as you know, your the only one that gets to kiss me."

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