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Louis pov

The warm weather was starting to get cold again. The leaves started turning orange the other day and soon my whole back yard will be covered in them. Maybe I can trick Harry into raking them up? I hate doing that job.

I know that pool is heated, but the fact Harry is swimming laps right now is beyond me. I'm quite happily just watching the view though from the deck as I take another drag of my cigarette. When Harry climbs out of the pool by pulling himself up the side, my mouth went dry just at the site of him. His bisceps flexed and the way his wet shorts clung to his thighs made me swoon.

"Louis! Come in the spa with me!" Harry called out looking up at me with a smirk, damn he caught me watching.

I immediately put my cigarette out and took my sunglasses off before slipping my hoodie off. I'll just go in my shorts. I walked down the steps and met Harry, who was already sitting in the water, arms scratched out along the edge of the spa. His intense stare watched me as I walked up and slipped in across from him. I moved so I was sat on his lap because I just couldn't help myself.

Harry wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled into my neck, then kissing and nipping at my sweet spot on the bottom of my neck. I angled my head so he had more coverage and he slowly kissed all the way up.

"I love you lou. Thank you being with me." He whispered as he pecked my lips.

"I love you too Haz. Thank you for letting me love you again." I said looking into his eyes. They've been very bright lately.

I joined our lips together again softly and he smiled into the kiss before biting lightly in my bottom lip. I allowed his tongue entrance and I sighed happily as I tasted him fully. He didn't complain this time about me tasting like cigarettes.

His hands went up and down my body until on rested on my thigh and the other on my ass, which he cheekily squeezed, making my cheeks get hot.

My hands went to his face as I turned in his lap so I was now straddling him, knees on the seat next to his legs. I detached from the kiss and began making my way down his neck. He threw his head back as I sucked a spot on his collar bone and his arms rested on my shoulders, while mine went up and down his chest.

"Lou. Louis. Hang on." Harry said pushed as he shoved me off his lap suddenly. I looked at him confused and saw him looked alert towards the nearby trees that cover my fence line from the road.

"What? What happened?" I asked looking over to where he was staring, then back at him confused.

"I thought I heard the click of a camera."

Harry's words immediately made me stand up and look over to where he was looking. I've had trouble before with paparazzi peaking over the back fence and trying to get photos. But none have in a long time since the trees are quite thick now and Clifford was around, but the bloody dog is useless. Plus there was never anything to capture.

The problem is that if someone did take a photo over the fence though, they definitely would have caught Harry and I.

"Are you sure?" I asked Harry looking down at him and watching as he nodded and squinted his eyes towards the trees again. He pointed and I looked to where he was gesturing too, just as someone moved from a cleared area of the trees and ducked behind the fence. Fuck.

I immediately got out and rushed towards the side gate, ignoring the cold air. I could tell Harry was just behind me and he rushed towards the gate before I could get there. He opened it and it slammed against the fence and he walked out. I followed him and we watched as a black car sped off down the road.

"Fuck!" Harry yelled out grabbing his hair like he does when he's stressed. I'm not stressed though, Im fucking pissed. "Tell me theres no way they couldn't have taken a photo is us in the spa?"

"From that angle... they would have gotten all of it."

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