26: late night confessionals

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Louis pov

I woke up to a loud banging. I ignored it at first thinking it was probably the bloody cat knocking something down stairs. But then it happened again. I opened my eyes and lifted Harry's leg and arm off my torso before climbing out of bed. I looked at the bedside tables alarm clock and saw it was 3 am. I opened the door quietly and headed down stairs. As I switched on the hallway light, the front door banged. Some was knocking.

I hesitantly opened the door and peaked from behind it, the latch still locked just incase.

It was zayn. He was drenched from the rain outside, but the water mixed with the tears running down his face.

"Shit zayn." I said as I quickly opened the door and pulled him inside. I brought him into a hug and he held onto my shoulders tightly as he sobbed. "Shh shh mate it's ok. What's happened?" I said quietly as I rubbed circles on his back. He just cried more.

I heard someone coming down the stairs and saw Harry rubbing his eyes and yawning, wearing a fluffy purple dressing gown. Cute.

He looked up to see my eyes wide and nodding towards the crying man in my arms. I gave him a look that said 'this is really bad'. His eyes widen as he saw his state and rushed down the stairs.

"Shit mate what's happened?" Zayn looked up and looked between us two.

"I fucked up. I-I f-fucked up b-bad. L-l..." he stumbled over his words. "H-he broke up with m-me." He managed to spit out before breaking down again.

Zayn just about collapsed onto the floor, but luckily Harry caught him and hugged him close, repeating what I'd just done seconds ago. He looked at me really concerned and I nodded towards the lounge room. Harry got my hint and waddled towards the couch with zayn using him as support.

Zayn sat cross legged on the couch with Harry next to him as I grabbed the tissue box and handed it to him. I sat down on the other side on Harry.

He blew his nose as we stared at him waiting for him to continue. Did Liam and him actually break up? They seemed so happy. How did he fuck up?

"Umm I'm s-sorry for coming by so late. Your p-place was the closest." Zayn apologised looking down. He'd calmed down a little now and was left with sniffles.

"It's alright mate." Harry replied. "What happened?"

Zayn looked up at the two of us. We looked back eagerly waiting for his answer. He quickly looked back at his lap.

"Uhh... I m-messed up really bad." Zayn began. He collected himself a little before continuing. "Just before my birthday, me and Liam had a big fight and we're taking a break for a bit. I had to head to New York for my birthday for you know... beard reasons. Well um." Zayn stopped for a moment, closing his eyes like he was in pain. Zayn had Gigi Hadid as a beard. When zayn left the band and he ended it with both liam and perrie, zayn was dating Gigi as management got them together. But it didn't last . Gigi has agreed to be zayn's beard and to the public, they are going strong.

"Um on the night of my birthday, I got really drunk and things happened... Gigi took me home and Uhh..." he shook his headed a little before spitting it out quietly. "We slept together."

I felt Harry gasped and my jaw dropped to the floor. Oh my god. Zayn must have lied and Liam figured it out. "Oh fuck zayn." I said quietly. He looked up at me as new tears rolled down his cheeks.

"I know lou. I messed up big time. I felt disgusting and so so guilty. When me and Liam got back together not long after, I didn't tell him and I kept it a secret. Gigi agreed as she left equally as terrible. She loves Liam so much too. But um tonight..." zayn looked back down at his lap and fiddled the bottom of his shirt. He went silent.

"Zayn what happened tonight?" Harry said slowly.

"Uhh... Gigi called me and she t-told me that um... she's um..." he sighed and looked me in the eyes. "She's pregnant. It's mine."

When I say my eyes just about popped out of my head, they just about did. Harry's whole body stiffen. Neither of us knew what to say. I grabbed Harry's hand and he squeezed it tightly. I could tell this could bring up some mixed emotions for him. I kept our hands out of view from zayn. Zayn just stared at the wall on the other side of the room as he continued.

"I freaked out obviously and was crying after I hung up. Liam found me and kept asking me what was wrong. I couldn't hide this from him. He was already suspicious about what happened on my birthday. So I told him. He just about fainted and he screamed at me. He's so fucking upset. I didn't know what to do. Next thing I know, he's breaking up with me and I'm running down the street here." His slowly faced us with glossy eyes.

"Fuck zayn." I said. I didn't know what else to say, I don't think Harry does either. This is really bad. Liam will be in a worse state then zayn for sure. I remember how I felt when Brianna told me, I was in shock. But Harry was worse.

"Zayn stay here for the night ok. There's a spare room upstairs I'll show you. You need to shower and get some sleep." Harry said calmly as he stood up and gestures a broken zayn up the stairs. He looked behind his shoulder as they walked out of the room with zayn in front, and whispered to me, "tell niall to go check on Liam. He's probably distraught."

All I could manage was a nod. I'm in shock. This is really fucking bad.

I quickly rang Niall as the other two went up stairs. He answered on the third ring.

"Louis?" He said groggily.

I quickly explained everything and told him to see if Liam was ok. I already knew he wouldn't be. Niall sounded just a shocked and hung up.

I made my way up stairs quietly and saw Harry close the bedroom door slowly. He turned around and met my eyes. He looked exhausted.

"He didn't make it to the shower. He just crashed on the bed." Harry said quietly. I just nodded in response. We stared at each not knowing what to say. I could tell we were both thinking the same.

"I feel so bad." I said, my voice breaking at the end. He knew I was talking about Liam and zayn, but also about us.

"I know babe." Is all he said as he pulled me into a hug.

We stood there for a few moments, comforting each other before heading back to bed.

Neither of us slept a wink, too worried about our best friends and partially reliving the fight.

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