25: anne

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Harry pov

I was in the car on the way home from the airport, my mum in the passenger seat. We caught up about everything that's happening and how everything is going down with the reunion. She was happy that I'm so happy. But we avoid the most important topic. Louis.

She new Louis was staying with me and that he was going to be there when we got home. But she was very quiet about it, just stared at me a little.

I knew Louis was absolutely shitting himself. He has been trying to cover it up, but I'm not stupid. He can't hide anything from me. He's a shit lier. I'd left him at mine to get settled in. I had given him a quick tour and left while he was in the shower. He was in there for awhile. Probably scared that it might be his last. I'm honestly worried about the same thing.

Mum hasn't said anything about us being back together. But she definitely knows. I perfectly know that Gemma had been complaining about it to her. Mum always loved lou and when we were together, she treated him like family. But after we broke up, she never mentioned him. Probably because I would shut down when he was mentioned, but even after I went through all my 'issues', she never asked what really happened. I've always been to ashamed to tell her, she'd be so disappointed. I just knew she was really dam pissed at Louis.

I pulled into the drive way and got mums suitcase out of the boot. We headed to the front door and I unlocked it. As soon as I opened the door, all I could hear was yelling.

"Ouch you little fuck! Get off me! It's my bloody leg!" Louis screamed as he stumbled into the hallway were we stood at the end. He was desperately trying to shake Misty, my cat, off his lower leg. It was hilarious, until I saw that Louis actually looked quite upset as he yelled again. "For fucks sake get off."

"Misty get off!" I yelled at the cat. She flicked her head towards me and meowed loudly before disconnecting from lou's leg and running off.

Louis flicked his head with wide eyes, looking at me and then my mum that stood behind me. He flashed a nervous smile. I looked at the same direction and saw mum standing there, biting her lip. She was trying to hold in a laugh. She looked at me and I raised my eyebrows at her, telling her to say something, nice hopefully.

A huge smile formed on her face as she looked towards Louis. She then placed her handbag on the floor and walked quickly over to Louis with her arms welcoming him.

"Louis!" She said loudly as she pulled him into a bear hug. I sighed with relief as lou hugged back. He looked at me from over her shoulder with bright eyes and a large closed smile. Thank god.

Louis pov

I felt relief travel through my body as I hugged Anne. I'm so so glad she doesn't hate my guts. At least I hope. She could secretly hate me. But she's not that type of person. Her and Harry have the same kindness.

We pulled away from the embrace and she held my shoulders. "I've missed you so much Louis." She said with a smile. I could tell she meant it, with all her heart.

"I've missed you too."

The rest of the night was spent talking over dinner about everything from my life to Harry and our new and improved relationship. Anne was genuinely happy that we were back together. We also let her know about our plan with Simon, which she agreed with. She saw first hand all the hurt we were put through all those years before. She said she wasn't gonna let that happen again.

Anne and I watched some crappy tv after dinner, while Harry showered. We chatted a bit more, mostly about Freddie. I showed her pictures of him and she loved him already. Then it grew silent as we watched some crime show come on.

"Louis." Anne said in a serious tone. I turned my head to see her looking at me. Mum mode on. Oh god.

I swallowed deeply as she continued. "I'm really am happy that you and Harry sorted out your problems. He wasn't the same when you broke up. It's good to see him be himself more. But..." she hesitated before grabbing my hand from my lap. "If you hurt him or he hurts you again. It'll break both of you and I don't want that. You are meant for each other louis. That's why you found each other again." She ended her speech with a smile. Loving smile.

I smiled back and I couldn't help it as a tear rolled down my cheek. Damn it louis pull yourself together. The love of your life's mum just told you and her son are meant for each. She noticed my tear and pulled me into a another huge hug.

I felt warm and safe. I miss mum hugs so much. They are different from any other. It's in moments like these I miss my mum.

"He's been through a lot of trouble without you being there. I'm just glad he's ok now." She said with a relieved sigh. Wait what did she mean ok now?  I was about to ask but was interrupted by a voice.

"Is everything alright?" Harry asked as he leant in the doorway, only in boxers.

"Yes everything's fine... Harry Edward styles put some clothes on!" She scolded as she pulled away and looked at him.

"Hey! My house my rules!" Harry huffed. I just giggled a bit.

"Whatever. Anyway I'm heading to bed. I'll see you both in the morning." She said standing up, but not before patting my knee and sending me a loving smile. She hit Harry on the back of the head then placed a kiss on his cheek as she went past.

"Goodnight mum." He said turning around and watching as she went upstairs and closed the guest bedroom door.

I couldn't help but stare at Harry's bare body as he stood there. I get why he's so ripped now. He goes to the gym just about every afternoon. I only manage to go like three times a week. I don't know how he manages with his schedule. He's fucking perfect though. I don't know how I could ever let him go.

Harry walked over to the couch and flopped down, his head face down on my lap as his arms snakes around my torso. He grumbled a bit and I laughed a little. I played with his hair as I continued to watch the tv. I made a mental note to ask him what his mum meant later on.

We stayed there until late and then headed to bed.

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