34: booze and meetings

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Liam's pov

This isn't good. I can't find Harry anywhere. He won't answer his phone and he wasn't back at the hotel. Where the fuck is he? It's been over three hours now.

I opened Twitter to see if he'd been spotted and saw a fan saying he was at a night club not far from the hotel. This isn't good if the fans know he's out.

I made my way there quickly. I was escorted out to the vip section by a guard. This club is horrible. It's dark and there's hundreds of people crowding the place and it stinks of weed and sex.

I looked around but was shocked at what I saw. Harry was sitting at a table with a girl either side of him, as he snorted multiple lines of coke off the table. Then downed two shots. He then turned his attention to the blonde on his right and began making out with her forcefully.

"Harry!" I yelled above the music and his head snapped from the girl to me. He looked shocked and then smiled manically.

"Liam! Care to join?" He said as he nodded his head towards the other girl on his left. She gave me flirty eyes.

"No harry. I'm taking you back to the hotel." I said as I reached the front of the table. He just shook his head.

"Sorry LiLi I'm busy." He replied tilting his head slightly, he was trying to get me angry.

"I know what happened with Louis. You need to go back to the hotel." As soon as I said his name, his expression turned to anger. He pushed the girl off him and walked around the table to get in my face. If it wasn't harry, I'd be scared. But this guy would trip over a puppy and then apologise to it.

"Don't say his name! Just leave me be. I'll make my own way back. I don't need you to babysit me." He spat out.

"Fine then Harry. Be that way." I've had enough. He obviously wasn't leaving or thinking straight. He'll probably end up back at the hotel anyway with some girl.

With that I just turned around and left. I got some looks as I walked out, meaning I'd been recognised. But I don't care.

When I got back to the hotel, zayn opened the door. Louis was crashed out on the couch of the room. I told zayn about Harry and what happened. He wasn't surprised. He's been destructive like this before.

We climbed in bed and I pulled zayn in close. I haven't forgive him yet, but I needed the comfort.

I fell asleep to the rising of his chest.


Louis pov

I woke up on the couch in zayn's room. I saw him and Liam fast asleep, cuddling, so I quietly snuck out and went to get my clothes from my room.
I hope he's not in there, or at least not awake.

I scanned the key card and opened the door. It was quiet. I tiptoed into the bedroom where my clothes where hung up, but was met by something that devastated me. Harry, in bed, with some naked girl. I immediately wanted to throw up.

I, as quickly and as quietly as I could, started grabbed my clothes and shoving them in the suitcase, trying to not look at the bed. The ache in my chest made me just wanna break out into sobs.

"Lou?" I heard Harry's raspy voice call. I turned around to face him. He was naked under the sheets and was rubbing his eyes with his hands.

He looked up, then down at the girl in the bed, it then dawn on him about what he's woken up too. I just turned back to packing my clothes quickly.

He jumped out of bed and I could hear him put on clothes, before he started to walk over.

"Don't you dare touch me Harry. I'm only here for my shit and then I'm leaving you to it." I snapped without turning around, pushing my devastation down.

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