19: sweet creature's habit

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I recommend going back to read previous chapters incase you've missed them bc lots have. I actually can't believe ppl are reading my story even if it's only liek 10 ahhah xx

Louis POV

To say I was nervous would be an understatement. Tonight was the night Haz and I agreed we would listen to each other's songs. Im sat on the bed just scrolling through the comments on my Instagram post on my private account.

I posted a picture of me and Harry to announce we were back together. This account only has my family and close friends on it, and I can post what I like because management doesn't know about it. It's great. Once I posted it, I swear Lottie sent me about a thousand texts, and even tweeted to get my attention.

Lottie and the twins were literally ecstatic. Like squealing on the other side of the phone. They were so happy, and I was so happy that they were. They then made me hand the phone to Harry to talk privately. I don't know what they said but when I came back he both looked happy and terrified. They can be a bit protective. They mean no harm.

Harry walked into the bedroom after showering. He wore only his towel low on his waist. How the fuck did I get him honestly? Like sometimes I think he might be a god because he looks so good. He smiled at me and went over the wardrobe and dropped his towel. I couldn't help but stare at his ass and then his back muscles and how they flexed and moved. I mean I am his boyfriend... I can stare.

I quickly looked away though so I could contain myself. I want to wait until our last night here to move forward with anything. I want him to know that I'm not going anywhere once we leave, and I want to be certain he's not going anywhere either. We've only got three days left.

Once we leave Liam and zayn's house, Simon let us know that we have about week until we start making appearances together slowly. Me and Harry are not together at all though until the official announcement of the reunion. Fucking asshole Simon is. He's never liked me and harry together. I honestly reckon he's gay himself and is just jealous of what we had, well now have again. But he doesn't know about us this time round. All he needs to know is that we are least civil. We are good at sneaking around. I mean we have plenty of practice.

I just wish we could come out you know. But we have a couple of years left on our one direction contracts, but Haz and I only have about five months on our 'larry' one. Im definitely not signing another, no matter what. All the boys agreed a long time ago that when the contact finish, we are leaving simons label and modest. Fuck them. They'll go down once we leave.

Anyway, back to reality. Harry smiled at me as he pulled a loose fitting white shirt over him, it had little pink pigs all over it. I laughed a little the print. It looked funny for him to where, but it matched his personality.

"Hey! Don't laugh. This is one of my favourite shirts. Mum got it for Christmas." He said with a fake pout. I just pushed his shoulder a little and laughed. Then he laughed.

"Ok so let's do this. I know I have less songs then you so you'll finish before me." I said becoming serious. I tried to hide my worry but failed.

"Hey don't worry babe. I know I'm gonna love your music. What's not to like?! It's written by you and you sing it. It's already perfect!" He said with a smile, trying to cheer me up. I just smiled shyly at him, then passed him his earphone.

We both laid down on the bed and plugged in our ear phones. We decided just to press shuffle on our Spotify playlists and listen first without talking or saying anything. At first his popular songs came on that I knew, adore you, watermelon sugar, and sign of the times. I remember the first time I heard sign of the times, I cried for the whole day. Not just because I missed him, but because I was so proud.

Then the fourth song started, two ghost. I listened to it the whole way through and had to close my eyes after to stop the tears. It was beautiful. Haz said earlier which ones were about me and I wasn't shocked when he said most were, because most of mine were about him. This one was my favourite so far. It just was so heartbreaking. I'm feel so bad that he felt that way. I can tell what he was feeling when he wrote this, I felt it too.

Then sweet creature came on. I couldn't stop the waterworks.

Harry's POV

When I pressed shuffle on lou's playlist, I immediately smiled as I heard him voice. His songs were great. I was always an amazing writer. Hell, he helped write just about every song while in the band. But his album was beautiful. We were away from each other for so long, and these tracks helped me piece together the different stages he went through. I hope my music does the same.

I looked over beside we and saw that Lou was crying while still having a smile on his face. Oh my god. I pulled his close to me and wrapped my arms around him. I just held him.

Then a new track came on. I looked to see it was called habit and the lyrics immediately got my attention. I sighed deeply as I listened. I soon knew it was about me when he said 'princess park'. That's where our first apartment we had together was. We were so young back then. Untouched by the world. I wish I could go back, but now all I care about is that I have my Louis back.

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