3: the call

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I sat down on the outdoor couch that sits on the balcony facing the hills that my house over looks. You can see the Hollywood sign on a clear day. I grabbed a cigarette from the packet I left out here from last night and lit it with the lighter that was also left. I inhaled the smoke deeply, hoping it would calm my nerves of the inevitable call I was about to get.

I sat there for a few more minutes, my right leg bouncing up and down. Then my phone began to ring in my pocket and I pulled it out. I put out the cigarette in a ash tray kept on the table and took a deep breath before answering.

"Ok Louis lets get on with it shall we?" Simon said immediately. He's not one for hello or goodbyes, but I could tell he was in a rush by his tone.

"Alright then, so tell me exactly what's happening." I said back.

"Right so I... management have decided it's been too long now. You boys promised the fans 18 months or so but we are 5 years down the line now and still no reunion. It's long over due so the bands getting back together-"

"So I don't get any choice in the matter I guess then?" I interrupted him.

"Well you know the contracts so no you not really Tomlinson." He snapped back.

I sighed and rubbed my forehead with my free hand hoping to relieve myself of loosing my temper. "Yeh Yeh ok continue."

"So we've come up with the plan of the reunion. Right now I'll just give you the basics as I want to have a meeting with everyone about how everything is gonna happen."

"So they've all agreed?" I quickly asked.

"Yep like I said everyone."

Everyone. That includes him. It was at that moment it hit me. I'll have to see him. Talk to him. Fuck. I don't know how I'm gonna handle this. What's gonna happen?

"Tomlinson? When are you in London next?" Simon questioned, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Uhh tomorrow. Tomorrow morning I'm leaving LA and I'll be there in the early afternoon your time." I replied trying to focus. Ignore the sound of his voice louis, block it out.

"Ok well I want the meeting to happen as soon as possible." I could hear him in the other side of the line rustling with some papers of some sort. "How about a dinner meeting tomorrow night. I'll let the others know." He states not really asking.

"Um Yeh sure." The thoughts of his tattoos that led down his arm wouldn't let me go. "Um... that includes... him Yeh?"

"Harry?" Simon said. I closed my eyes at the sound of his name. It bought so much joy, but also so much pain. "Yes he'll be there. He knows what's happening and is on board."

I could hear some smugness in his voice. He's trying to wind me up. And he's winning.

"He will be there tomorrow night. We will have a meeting with you two about the whole larry situation because the rumours never really died down even after you broke up... He seemed a bit hesitant at first. Probably because you two fucked up each other so bad." He added with no remorse at all.

Wow he really just said that. My heart kinda broke a little as he said that.

What if he doesn't want to see me? Honestly I don't know if I want to see him. Simon is just putting these thoughts into my head though. What an asshole.

I just didn't respond with anything but an angered, as well as sad, sigh.

"Ok well Tomlinson. I'll see you tomorrow. I'll get my assistant to send you the details." And with that he hung up.

I placed my phone down roughly on the table in front of me and flung my head back so I was looking up at the sky. My right leg bounced up and down relentlessly trying to control my anxiety of the situation Simon has just thrown me into to.

The fluffy white clouds moved slower and slower and I let my thoughts fade away. It ok Louis. You just gotta be strong and take it all on as it comes.

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