46 : soon the whole world will know

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Harry's pov

I'm sat on Louis' couch as I wait for him to get home.

Today he had a meeting finalising the end of Eleanors contract. And I've never felt more at ease.

I know it's stupid to be jealous of her. Louis loves me, he tells me every time im with him, but I can't control it sometimes. When I see them in pictures together, out going on 'dates', I just wish it me instead of her. But now that's over. Everything's coming to an end slowly.

My thoughts are broken by the front door closing loudly and Louis comes in smiling widely at me. I can't help but smile back as I stand up.

"Elournor is no more!" He yells loudly as he jumps at me and wraps his legs and arms around me, making me laugh loudly. I catch him just in time but we still fall backwards onto the couch.

And I can't help kiss him as he sits up. His tongue immediately asks for entrance and I give in.

We lay there on the couch, making out as Louis begins to move his hips slightly, making my pants get tighter. My hands make their way from his back to his hips as I encourage him to grind more.

I catch a small whine in my mouth and I smile into the kiss before he moves to sucking at my neck, making sure to leave the lovebites on my lower neck so they can be covered. He continues to grind against me until he pulls away and begins to pull his shirt off and then mine with my help.

His mouth immediately latches to my left nipple and I can't help but let out a whimper as he pulls on it gently with his teeth.

I squeeze his hips and shifts a little so his bulg is against mine.

"Lou let's go upstairs." I say breathlessly as he blows on the lovebite he made, making me shiver.

"Agreed. I don't want the dog watching." He says nibbling on my ear lobe, referrring to Clifford who is asleep I'm front of the fire place.

I can't help but laugh a little as I manage to lift him up in my arms as I get off the couch.

Louis let's put a surprised squeal but is quickly shut up as I kiss him deeply as I carefully climb the stairs.

I closed the bedroom door behind us and gently rest Louis on his back against the bed, never breaking the kiss. I can't get enough of all the love he sends out in ever kiss we share. Its intoxicating and makes me dizzy every time.

We both pull apart for air and take this time to strip ourselves of our pants and underwear.

Louis shuffles back on the bed and props himself up on his elbows as his eyes take me in. I don't even squirm under his view, I'm too comfortable with him now and I find myself doing the same to him.

I lean down a drag my hands up his thighs as I watch him slowly get harder and harder. I leave a trail of sweet kisses up one thigh and hands make their way up to rest on his hips to keep him pinned to the bed.

As i reach the top of his thigh, I make eye contact as he bites his lip. I kiss just next to his base before leaving four kisses up the side of his length. The deep moan that he tries to keep him is enough motivation to let myself go and flick his tip with my tongue.

"Hazzzz." He whines as his mouth hangs open as I lick a slow stripe up the bottom side of his cock. I literally feel him twitch on my flattened tongue. "Please Harry I need you. I need to feel you."

I pull away and smile as I stand up and begin to stroke myself to get some relief. "My mouth or my cock?"

Louis eyes widen at my words, I'm not usually one for dirty talk, neither of us are, but i'm feeling brave today.

"I need you inside me." He say in a low tone that makes my whole body tingle and I find myself getting on my knees and pulling him to the edge of the bed by his legs.

I don't waste any time as use my tongue to eat him out as I begin to stroke him at the same speed.

The moans coming out of him give me more satisfaction and switch to my fingers to finger him as I begin to suck on his balls instead.

"H-Haz." Louis moans loudly over and over again and I know he's getting close as his dick is literally throbbing in my hand, but I want us to come together, so I pull away.

He sits up on his elbows again but I don't give him any time to say anything before I push my tip into his tight hole, slick enough with spit. I know this is gonna be a little painful for his since he's not as stretched as usual, but he'll enjoy it as much as I do.

I slowly push into him and Louis' back arches in response as his head goes back against the bed. As soon as I'm all the way inside him and hit his prostate first try, I knew neither of us are gonna last long.

I began as a slow pace but soon get faster.

"Your all mine Lou. Never ever sharing you." I whisper against his lips before I kiss him. He kisses back with just as much passion. "All mine."

"Fuck Harry, all yours. Harder." Louis moans as I lean down as kiss him again, swallowing his loud moan, almost scream, as I slam my hips hard against his.

Both of our moans echo around the room as i fuck him as hard as i can.

I stand up straight again as I grab one of his ankles and place his leg on my shoulder so I can get a better angle.

"Fuck lou." I grunted as he clenches around me and I know that a sign he's close. "Come with me."

"Fuck fuck fuck!" Louis says as he makes a mess all over his stomach as he comes untouched. His screams are enough for me to come as well, filling him up.

I can't help but collapse on top of him. Louis' panting is as heavy as me and I slowly pull out of him before it becomes uncomfortable.

"I love you so much." I whisper as I feel his fingers intertwine in my long hair.

"I love you too. And soon the whole world will know too."

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