23: did he mean it?

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I would recommend reading the previous characters bc a few haven't

*smut warning 😏*

Louis POV

I woke up to the movement of Harry's chest rising and falling underneath my head. I smiled as I nuzzled in a little further, then looked up. He looked so peaceful and... happy. I'm so happy that he's happy again, and that I'm apart of it.

When I saw him in that restaurant just over a month ago, he looked like he was scared. Frightened about what was gonna happen. And I was too. But now that we have each other again, I know we'll be alright. I've also noticed that my anxiety levels have gone down considerably, I haven't taken my meds in a few weeks now because I just haven't needed too and they just slipped my mind.

I moved my arm that was draped over his torso to the necklace that hung around his neck. I studied the ring and traced my finger over the engraving on the inside of it. I'm honestly still surprised it hasn't been worn down by how much he used to wear it. He never took it off. That's why it killed me so much when I got it in the mail after we broke up. But here he his, wearing it again. One day, I promise it'll be back in his finger.

I let go of the ring and brought my face up to the side of the side of his neck and sucked a little, leaving a love bite. He moaned a little in response and sifted his head a little, signifying he was awake. I placed a trail of kisses up his jaw till I reached the corner of his mouth. Then suddenly his hands cupped my face as passionately kissed my lips. I returned the snog and he slipped his tongue in.

After a few minutes, we pulled apart to catch our breath and my eyes caught his green ones. They are gorgeous. He's just gorgeous. Like how did I get so lucky? I still ask myself now. After all these years.

"Morning love." I said quietly with a smile. It was early, around 8am.

"Gmorning." He mumbled horsely with a closed smile.

We just sat in silence for a few moment. I couldn't resist the urge to kiss him again. We haven't gone any further again since that night. I miss his touch. And after so long apart, I need it. Always.

I quickly smashed our lips together and he must of had the same idea as he responded the same. The kiss was slow but heated, then became frantic. Soon I found myself rolling into my back as he climbed on top, straddling me.

We broke apart to take our shirts off, then joined our lips again. Soon we were both only left in our boxers. He began to grind against me aimlessly against my now evident bludge. The friction made us both a moan into the still passionate but frantic kiss. It was like we couldn't get enough.

He then shifted aside and placed himself beside my legs. He grabbed the elastic band of my underwear and shuffled them down, with the help of myself. Before I even got the chance to adjust to no longer being restricted by the fabric, his mouth went straight around me. My jaw immediately went slack and my head went back. All noise was knocked out of me.

He went straight to it, taking me as far as he could. I felt the back of his throat and he swallowed really damn hard to stop himself for choking. I let out a loud moan in response.

"Fuck.. Haz if... if you do that again I ... I won't last long." I managed to squeal out.

His pace began to go faster and faster and I could feel myself close to the edge. He moaned deeply as I could feel the precum escape a little. Bloody hell. He's so fucking good. Then he took his mouth away completely.

"Hey!" I exclaimed as I looked up towards the smirking lad. Oh. I know what's coming...

He got up onto his knees and pulled off his boxers, before placing himself between my legs. He's just perfect. Sometimes I don't think he's human. And his tattoos make him even better. I love them. Especially the ones that match with mine.

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