12: talk to end all talks

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Harry's pov

I took a sip of my water and then placed the glass on the nightstand. I turned to Lou, who was sat in front of me with that annoyed face he gets when he's frustrated.

I had taken it upon myself to try my best to tease him all day. I used to do this when he was angry at me before and I always won and we ended up having sex or making up another way that night. I'm not looking for that now. Not at all, it's way to soon. I'm just looking to annoy him in front of the others since he's decided he wants to talk before we tell them anything. I respected his decision, but that didn't mean I couldn't have fun.

I honestly don't know how this talk is gonna go. I just know that I don't think I can stay away from him or ignore him when we go on tour and in interviews. So I hoping this talk goes in my favour. Crossing my fingers metaphorically here.

"Ok so I want to talk about everything before something else happens between us and we just jump right in" Louis starts after a few silent moments. This sounds promising. " I wanna start with how I want to talk about problems between us and not not avoid them like we have done before."

"I agree completely." I replied nodding my head.

"Ok good. So..." he said paused for a moment before continuing. "I'm sorry for everything that's happened between us. Not just that last time we broke up, but the first time two. It was my fault both times. And for what I did that made us fail the second time. I'm still disgusted by my actions to this day." He looked me straight in the eyes as he said that and I could feel the guilt behind it.

"Thank you. I forgive you." I said with a sad smile. I'm so glad he said that. "I'm sorry for what I did to hurt you after too." I winced a little, looking down as I said that as it brought all the guilt and memories back.

*flashback to 2015*

"Oh my fucking god! What the fuck!" Louis yelled as he walked into the tour bus. Nobody was supposed to be on here. Fuck. He can't be here.

I immediately snapped my head up to see him looking at me horrified as he saw me and the girl laying under me. This is really fucking bad.

I pulled away from her and slid my boxer briefs up. "Fuck. Louis w-what are y-you doing here?!" I said. I panicked as he began to silently cry, looking at me.

"I came back for my phone you asshole!" He yelled at me.

I quickly looked at the girl on the couch covering herself with the blanket we were under, looking absolutely terrified at the situation.

"I'm gonna leave you to it Harry." Louis said as he grabbed his phone of the table and walked out the bus quickly.

"Fuck. Lou wait!" I said as I ran out and followed him.

He turned around a stared at me before snapping, he looked absolutely disgusted in me. It really hurt.

"Don't call me that ever again you understand Harry. We are over for good this time. No more relationship. No more flings or kisses. No coming to my room late at night saying you miss me. Because you obviously don't miss me if you can do this! I know I hurt you but.. I just can't do it!" He yelled pointing towards the bus.

"Please." I said as my own tears streamed down my face. He looked so... heartbroken.

Everyone in car park was staring at us, watching this all go down. This is the end. Fuck what have I done!

With that, he walked away. There was not way of saving us now...

Lou snapped me out of the bad memory by lifting
up my chin with two fingers so I looked him straight in the eyes. He could tell I was having a flashback. I've always had trouble with them.

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