18: LiLi

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Harry's POV

I sat on the couch in games room next to Liam as we watched a movie. The other three have gone out to get nandos because Niall's been complaining he's been having withdrawals. Ni is still the same carefree and loving guy. I'm glad him and Liv got back together too. She's good for him.

Liv came round to see Ni yesterday and stayed for lunch. She still had the same blonde hair, just shorter now, and the same bright eyes. She used to be around a lot when when they started dating around 2013, but she doesn't want to be famous so they never announced their relationship. They broke up a few years back and I woke up one night to Niall, drunk, on my doorstep and crying over it. Poor guy really was hurting. They got back together around a year ago and I've never seen nialler happier, which is saying something considering he's always happy.

Lou and Liv were really close back in the day and I was happy to see that they still are. She was shocked but really happy when she found out we were back together. I know for a fact that lou went to see her after our breakup and stayed with her, because Niall let it slip out one day. I wasn't mad, I was glad lou had someone. Liv's a really nice girl. I'm honestly surprised ni hasn't proposed to her honestly, he's legit crazy about her.

"H can I ask you something?" I was broken out of my thoughts by Liam. I looked to see him looking me dead in the eyes. Oh god. He has his serious face on.

"Depends. Is it something bad?" I asked back. I know I'm pushing my luck by being a bit cheeky, but if it is something bad, I'm not gonna let him ask me.

"No." He replied. He kept a straight face apart from his left eyebrow twitching. It only does that when he's worried.

"Ok go ahead then." I said looking back to the screen. I have no idea what's really happening in this movie but I know it's the new frozen and the talking snowman is singing in a forest. Im still enjoying it though. Liam has become obsessed with Disney anything since Bear came along.

"Ok well it's about you and Lou." As soon as he said that my head snapped back to face him.

"What about us?" I asked with my eyebrows furrowed. I don't like this. I went to Liam after I found out lou cheated and he experienced first hand what I went through. Im pretty sure he hasn't really forgiven Louis for that.

"Well I want to know that you two aren't rushing into anything because don't take this the wrong way, but you two fucked it up bad last time." He replied looking a little scared, probably because I look a bit intimidating right now.

"Of course we aren't Li. We talked through everything before anything even happened. And he's forgiven me and I've forgiven him. We are working through it, not avoiding things." I said making my face soften a bit.

Liam let out a relieved sigh. "Ok good because I don't think either of you could take it if something like that happened again. I'm glad you two worked through your problems. Because honestly H..." he took my hand in his. "I'm pretty sure you two are meant for each. You two are so much happier together then you are apart."

I just smiled and brought him into a hug. "Thank you LiLi. For everything."

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