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Louis pov

Harry thinks it hilarious how I'm just about waddling today.

How did I let this happen again?

He really didn't hold back last night. I mean I did ask him to fuck me harder, but I didn't think about how we would be rehearsing the next day.

I know the lads are laughing at me too as I try and make my way around the stage to my marks.

The choreographer did say I can just sit out if I'm sore, which was both embarrassing and pointless, because it hurts even more when I sit.

So now we are standing at the end platform that is placed in the middle of the crowd, singing best song ever as Harry can't help but laugh every time I have to move.

'I hate you' I mime to his from across the stage. He just smirks and keeps singing. Fucking asshole.

The only thing making this better is the fact tour is only a few weeks away. I'm very excited and also shitting myself.

The whole tour sold out in less then an hour and lets just say the pay check I got the other day made me even more happy. I'm not in this for the money though, I'm just happy I get to preform live again. I miss it, especially with the boys.

"Ok lads I think we are done of the day. That was the last rehearsal before we're off so if you have any questions ask now." Our new choreographer said with a friendly smile.

Niall and Zayn go ask him questions as I watch Harry go grab two water bottles from the side. I look over at Liam who is practically drooling over zayn, he has been all day.

"Hey Payno." I say walking slowly up to him and making him jump which I can't help but smile at. "So how are things with you and zayn. I've been meaning to ask." I said softly with a smile.

"Here." Harry says coming up behind me and resting his hand on my lower back as he gave me the bottle before stepping away a bit. Lots of the crew are new this tour and aren't allowed to know about us. Do as Simon says.

"We talked and he knows he fucked up big time by lying, but we weren't together when it happened. It's not like I don't have my own kid and stuff and he doesn't hold that against me. It's still hurts that he lied you know, but I'm trying to move past it." Liam confessed as he looked over at zayn. Zayn looked back and smiled before turning his attention back to Niall.

"I think everything will be fine Liam." Harry said resting his hand on liams shoulder. Liam looked at at him and smiled weakly.

"I hope so."


"I swear to god Niall! I'll get my boyfriend to beat you up!" I warned him and he sat down, mimicking my pain. He's been annoying all afternoon as the others eventually gave up and forgot once I started walking normally again. Zayn and Liam left somewhere about half an hour ago, hopefully liams off to forgive him.

"Please your boyfriend wouldn't hurt a fly." Niall chuckled.

"Hey! If you need a beating, I'll be happy to give it. Just say the word babe." Harry smirked at me from the spot beside me and I couldn't control the butterflies that fluttered in my stomach.

I turned my face to Niall who was now a bit wide eyed and had his hands up in defeat, Harry is quite a bit bigger then him. Pussy.

Harry snuck his arm around my waist and squeezed my thigh as he began to leave a trail of whispy kiss up my neck, making me giggle and squirm a little.

"Ok that's my queue, I'll see you two later." Niall had quickly standing up and making his way to my front door.

Before the door slammed shut, I pounced on Harry and straddled his lap.

My sudden kiss left him breathless for moment, but he soon reciprocated.

"I'm gonna have a shower, care to join?" He whispered. I knew what he meant. The offer was tempting, but I was tired for today and was still sore.

"I don't know. I'm sore and a bit tired." I said resting my forehead against his. He pecked my lips before saying his next line.

"I'll give you a hand job and then you'll sleep like a baby and we can cuddle." He said innocently, like he didn't just say that he'd get me off in the shower. But how could I refuse?

"Ok. Only as long as I get to give you one too." I smirked and I got off his lap to lead us upstairs to the large shower in the ensuite.

Harry some how got us both undressed before I even got the hot water on.

It was extremely hard to focus for both of us as my head rested against Harry's chest as he moaned in my ear. His hand was a lot bigger then mine, but supposedly mine are softer so Harry came just before me as we jerked each other off.

It was 11pm by time we hit the bed. Harry's head rested on my chest as my arm was wrapped around his side, still avoiding his sore spot even though he was fine now, it became habit. Harry's pointer finger traced my chest tattoo.

"Your ok right?" The question slipped out before I could even think about it.

His movements stopped and I looked down to see his eyebrows furrowed in thought. My heart began to race, and he looked up at me with the same face before he relaxed.

"Yeh. I am." Harry said. He looked almost surprised, then smiled. "I'm happy. Like really happy."

I couldn't help but smile as his dimples came out. I pulled him impossibly closer and kissed the top of his head.

"All I want is for you to be happy. We only have one life, there's no time to be stressed and unhappy."

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