36: and I love you

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"Fuck Lou!" I managed to call out just before i felt him release. My head went back from the overwhelming pleasure I was feeling, then I face planted on the bed.

"All mine." Louis whispered as he pulled away from my.

After a few moments, I felt the bed dip beside me. I turned to face Louis, who was still trying catch his breath while lying on his back with his eyes glued to the ceiling. I took in his side profile. He was covered in a thin layer of sweat and his hair stuck to his clammy forehead. I couldn't help but smile at him.

He turned his head to look at me and smirked back. "What are you smiling at?"

"Nothing." I said raising my eyebrows and smiling cheekily. He just squinted his eyes and hummed.

After just laying there, getting lost in each other eyes, I broke the comfortable silence.

"Boo do you mind. My hands are going numb." I said shaking my hands making the handcuffs move and make a noise.

"Oh yeh sorry Haz." He said sitting up and unlocking them. Where he got them from stumps me, he just whipped them out from the draw.

I don't know what I was thinking last night. I just lost it. Simon coming at us like that just took me back to what it was like before and the way we were controlled and hurt over and over again. I can't do that again. I just managed to break both our hearts. I'm not letting him go again because I know next time, I won't be as easily forgiven.

"If you two are done we have a dinner to get to!" We heard zayn call after knocking on the hotel door. Why are we always getting caught? I just can't wait for tour. Not.

Great. Dinner. With Simon.


This dinner consisted of Simon sending snark comments to louis all night and Louis getting more and more annoyed. He soon started snapping back, his patience bubbling over. And I've had to keep my hand on his knee all night to stop him lunging at Simon from across the table. Trust me, it's happened before. I could tell he still hadn't recovered from all the emotions from the last 24 hours and Simon was making it worse.

Lou and Simon have always butted heads since we signed our contract. Ever since Eleanor and beards came into the picture. But tonight, is the meanest Simon has ever been. And Louis not taking his shit anymore.

"Just shut up Tomlinson. I'm not afraid to take you off this tour and drop you from the label." Simon warmed after another outburst was sent his way.

"You know what I'm done with this dinner. Fuck you. You can't drop me. I'm majority of your fucking income. I'm leaving. Haz?" Louis snapped. I looked up and just nodded. I'm not staying either. Simon just stayed quiet and continued to eat. Wanker knows it's true. His label relies on Louis now considering the band signed over with Sony. We made sure of that before the reunion. But Simon is still involved with modest and gets the last say on everything. God knows who he paid.

Louis stood up and threw his napkin on the table aggressively. He's pissed. He stormed off. I quickly got up and said goodbye to the lads, but ignored Simon, then followed Louis out. I found him just near the front entrance smoking a cigarette and leaning against the wall, foot tapping the floor anxiously. He's trying to calm down. I walked over and scouted for anyone around, but the street was just about empty.

"Lou." I said softly as I grabbed his free hand and intertwined our fingers. He gave my hand a squeeze as he took another drag.

"He just pisses me off so much. He was so fucking rude tonight. He's thinks it fucking funny." Louis said as he looked up at me with damp eyes. I immediately felt my throat tighten at the sight of his sad eyes.

He puts on a much braver face with all our closeting stuff then me, but it's hurts him just as much.

"Aww Lou I know." I said as I pulled him into a hug which he quickly returned. "Cmon lets go back to the hotel to pack yeh? Then head to yours."

He nodded as we pulled away and took another puff before putting the cigarette out on the sidewalk pavement. I messaged a driver to pick us up and he soon arrived.

"Styles?" He asked as we got in the back seat. He had a long brown beard and a hoodie on, I have no idea how he could survive in the la heat.

"Yeh. Roosevelt please." I said before bringing my attention back to louis who had rested his head in my shoulder. The driver nodded and we soon took off.

I leant down and connected my lips with Lou with a soft kiss. I wasn't worried about the driver as they have signed contracts to stay quiet working with celebrities.

Our kiss soon turned more passionate as I invited louis' tongue in. We made out right there in the back seat. I knew this would cheer him up and all I want is for Lou to be happy. We eventually pulled apart for air and I rested my forehead against his.

"I love you." I whispered before pecking Louis lips.

"And I love you." He said as we pulled apart and he smiled.

But his eyes wondered to the car window to the side of me. I turned to look too and was met by a car swerving and headed straight at us very fast.

"Harry!" Louis yelled.

Then everything went black.

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