32: 23rd

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Harry pov

I'm sat in this awful leather chair in simons LA office, surrounded by busy office staff running around doing god knows what. I try and calm my leg thats bouncing up and down due to the anxiety of the days events.

Today we announce One Direction's back.

I look over to Lou, who is sat on the other side of that other three boys. He must have been looking my way because he flashes a nervous smile and nods. I do the same, before turning my attention away.

I take a deep breath and sigh a little as I pull out my phone and head to Twitter. It's going crazy with 10th anniversary tweets and rumours dropped by management recently. They've been teasing the fans a lot.

The computers and laptops everyone is staring at begin the count down. 10,9,8,7,6... oh fuck. The rooms completely quiet now as everyone watches the countdown.


The website has launched. The tweets and everything have been sent out. And the promo video plays.

It flashes images of the us through the years up until 2015, with a medley of singles playing in the background. The screen then goes black and one of the pictures we took at the photo shoot we did the other day flashes and then is revealed. Then the words we're back. Flash as well. And just like that the videos over.

The room erupts in cheers and I hear champagne bottles popping. Niall gets up from beside me and pulls me into a hug with a cheer. I can't help but cheer along. We all give each other a hug.

My nerves are completely squashed when Louis hugs me last and whispers in my ear.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I whisper back and we pull apart like nothing happened. Nobody was the any wiser.


"Exciting stuff! When does the tour start?" James asks me as we stand at the bar.

I'm currently at a party management has thrown to celebrate our return. It's absolutely packed. Everyone is hear.

"Two months or so. Simons not wasting anytime." I reply rolling my eyes as I sip my drink.

"Never does that man." James says as he pats me on the back and walks back towards where his was sat before with a few other people I've met.

"Alright?" Someone brushes my hand as they turn to face me leaning against the bar. Louis.

"Better now." I say with a smile and holding my drink up a bit. He smiles back and has a sparkle in his eye.

"Good then. Follow me." Is all he says before he turns around and walks away.

I chug down the rest of my drink and follow him, keeping a distance between us still. He looks really good from behind.

He has a pair of black dress pants on and has a red button dress shirt messily tucked in. I can tell he's moving his ass with more of a sway as he walks because he knows I'm looking. And im not complaining.

I follow him into a dark room and looks like it's used for private meeting. It's at the end of a long hall and is far away from the rest of the party that the thumping music is muffled. It has a black couch and dark red velvet walls.

I watch curiously as he turns around and looks at me with an intense stare.

"What?" I ask with a smirk.

He just hums and smiles back, as he looks me up and down. I'm wearing a black and white checkered suit, the pants are flared at the bottom but are tight every else and I have a black button up underneath the jacket.

He walks forward and wraps his arms around my neck. His gorgeous blue eyes don't leave mine until he leans down and kisses my neck. I close my eyes and humm in pleasure as he makes a trail up to my ear.

"You look so good tonight. I couldn't resist." He says, muffled against my neck.

All I can do is moan as his hand slips down the front of my abs and down to my crotch and presses down. I'm already hard, and now he knows that.

He smiles and makes his ways to my lips. I happily allow his tongue entrance and we stumble back to the couch as we make out. I sit down. Lou bites my bottom lip lustfully before pulling away.

He positions himself between my legs and begins to undo my belt and pants. He slides them down along with my underwear and my length hits my stomach.

He smirks at me before stroke his hand up and down as I let out soft moans at his touch, my eyes closed. He then suddenly let go and I open my eyes to look, but he take me fully into his mouth and hits the back of his throat.

"Oh fuck lou!" I let out loudly as he swallows around me. His hand quickly covers my mouth and his eyes tell me to be quiet.

He begins to suck me off and I soon can't hold on any longer.

"Lou I'm gonna.. fuck fuck fuck." My orgasm comes out of nowhere and Lou hums and swallows as he places both hands on each of my thighs, squeezing.

I return the favour and we sort ourselves out before heading out to join the party. I really hope nobody heard us considering we weren't being exactly quiet. I should have put my hand over Louis' mouth too.

"Hmm I thought I'd find you two together." A voice says cockily as they leans against the wall of the long hallway.

Simon. Shit shit. We just stare with shocked faces.

As soon as I see him, I push lou behind me so he doesn't do anything stupid. He just grabs my hand behind my back. I give his a squeeze.

"Well well." He laughs as he says that. An evil laugh. "I'm guessing you two are back together. Didn't take long did it?"

We both just look at him with angry but blank faces. We've both agreed if we are caught not to say anything to make it worse. I just didn't think it would be this soon.

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