6: dinner

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The sidewalk outside the restaurant was packed. They're we're fans and paparazzi everywhere. The camera flashes got brighter as my door was opened by a security guard. I quickly got out and handed my car keys to the boy working the valet, who was standing beside the security guard.

The security guard cleared a path up to the front door of the restaurant. I was continuously screamed questions, most about the band.

"Are you meeting with the boys Louis?" "Liam, zayn and Niall are here too!" "Is zayn back in the band?" "One direction reunion.?"

I sighed with relief as I made it inside. The body guard led me into a back room upstairs of the darkly lot restaurant that was cut off by a sheer black curtain. I saw that there was a large window instead of a wall as I walked through the curtain, it looked out over the street I just pulled up on. You could everything from where the large table sat. As I walked in I immediately was met by the three lads.

"Tommo!" Niall yelled loudly as he spotted me.

"Nialler, payno, zaynie. How you doing lads?"

We made small talk as we sipped in drinks that had been served to us without ordering. We all just sat there catching up. None of us had hung out in a while and it was refreshing to have people to talk to without feeling scared of slipping up about something and being honest.

After 10 minutes or so Simon walked in.

"Hello boys." He said with that smile of his. The one that made you feel uneasy inside. I can see that he's updated his botox since I've last seen him. Looks like a fucked up ken doll that's been bashed up a bit and maybe chewed on by a toddler.

Simon was just making small talk really and none of us were responding apart from the odd sly comment from me or eye rolls from the others.

All this small talk wasn't really relieving my mind of my anxious thoughts. But the drinks were definitely bringing the levels down.

We were snapped out of our convo when the commotion outside suddenly got louder. I looked through the window to see a black ranger over pull up. The door was quickly opened by the same body guard that helped me and out came the man himself. Harry Styles. He moved through the crowd in a blur. I wasn't able to get a clear looked, but my anxiety immediately went up and I suddenly felt very sober.

I was snapped out my thought by a elbow nudging me in my side. I looked to meet liam's concerned face looking at me.

"Are you gonna be ok?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows.

I nodded. "Yeh I can deal with this. It's been years." I replied before finishing my drink and starting in another one.

"Ok but-" Liam began but was interrupted by Niall raising his glass and yelling out loudly.

"HAZZA." Niall had definitely already had a few to many drinks, but not more then me. Honestly we all needed the drinks to get through this meeting.

I looked towards to see Harry walking into the room through the curtains with a nervous smile. Our eyes immediately met. For the first time since the hiatus. When I say my heart stopped, it literally did. I broke the stare, which felt like forever but was only really a few seconds, with a nervous smile matching his and looking away.

I don't think I can do this. Just the sight of him made my stomach ache with butterflies. He looked really good. His hair was short. He was tan and wore a pair of black loose pants with white pin stripes, along with a white lossily fitted white t shirt. He looks more toned now, but also skinnier. He looks really damn good... Louis snap out of it, stop. I just took another large sip of my drink, finishing it.

As Harry greeted the other boys, he gave me a quick look, as if his eyes were wondering. I took my phone out of pocket to distract myself from his deep and attractive voice. I haven't heard it in so long, it sent shivers down my spine. When I looked at my screen I saw the time was almost 8pm. Wow he's really late. He's has always been one time if not early to things. Well I guess he was, I don't know about that now.

"Ok let's get this meeting underway since mr Styles has decided to honour us with his presence." Simon interrupted. I sent him a cold look and saw that Harry also sent him the same look. At least I know his opinion on Simon hasn't changed...

"Right well the 10 year anniversary is in just under 4 months and management have all decided that the best way to go forward with the reunion is to announce it before then. New music is gonna be realised so you boys have got to get onto that." Wow straight into it then. "There will be a new tour planned for the new music as well as made in the a.m since it was never toured. You will also preform solo stuff, preferably popular tracks."

Once he'd finished with the first part of his speech, we all just sat there taking in what our life has now turned into. Returned too. Then he began again.

"So in two weeks publicity will begin. Next month it will be leaked that you guys have been meeting up in the studio. Then one day after the reunion a new song will be realised and then the tour will be announced the day after that. But for now I thought it best for all of you to catch up after being apart for so long. Liam, zayn and I both talked earlier and agreed that you lads should stay at theirs for the next few weeks just getting to know each other again." As soon as he said that I shot a looked at Liam and zayn. Liam gave me apologetic look. I looked over to zayn who was keeping his head down, but I met the eyes of Harry having the same reaction on the other side of a grinning Niall. I quickly look down at my lap, closing my eyes shut.

I'm shocked. Um so not only have I just finally got home, but I'll have to stay in their house with the lads. It's not that I don't love them, it's just... I don't really feel like spending weeks on end with my ex that I haven't seen in years and have come to the realisation of that I haven't gotten over him. Not one bit.

Well fuck.

The rest of the night went smoothly. Simon told us about how everything will go up till tour while we ate our meals. But to say I had to many drinks would be an understatement. I was smashed. Absolutely hammered. I needed to be honestly. I haven't been this drunk in months, I'd cut down a lot but tonight was an exception.

After the night had ended, we all headed to Liam and zayn's. Niall and I clung to each other, holding each other upright the best we could as we exited the building into an Uber. I'll get my assistant to pick up my car tomorrow.

As we were about 2 metres away from the car, Niall slipped pulling me down with him. But I was caught mid air by an arm under my back, holding my upright. I looked up and was met by intense green orbs that stared at me concerned. I quickly gained my wits back and brushed myself off. He hasn't touched me since before we officially ended.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked. That's the first word he's spoken to me. The electricity that was shooting through me sobered me. And I was freaking out internally.

"Yeh thanks." I said breaking what felt like a staring competition and looked towards Niall who was getting up. "Come on mate." I said as I helped him to him feet and turned to the car. I could feel his lingering stare in the back of my head.

This is gonna be a long few weeks...

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