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Some smut for the 28th chapter. You are welcome you horny fuckers.

I placed my hands above his head as I began to grind against Harry under me. He mumbled something incoherent against my lips as I felt hardness under his pants.

I pulled my mouth away. He watched me intensely as I shuffled down, sliding his jeans and underwear with me. His length hit his stomach and he bit his bottom lip. He was already falling apart under my touch.

I ducked down and took his tip into my mouth without warning. He moaned a little. I need him as quick as possible, my body was screaming for him. My stress has been building up all day and Harry is always the best release. I pushed my mouth down further and further until he hit the back of my throat. He held my hair at the back of my head hard as I swallowed. His head went back in pleasure and he tightened his grip more. This only made me moan and I began a slow pace as i sucked him off. His hand pushing me harder against him.

I soon pulled away and he quickly began to undo my belt and went to toss it aside, but I had other ideas. I took the belt from him and he stared at me intently.

"Let's take this upstairs." I whispered and he nodded his head eagerly. His green eyes never left mine.

I got off him and he stood up, stepping out of his clothes so he was fully naked, leaving the clothing on the floor of the living room. I admired him with a smirk as he followed me upstairs.

"On the bed." I instructed and he jumped onto the bed, landing on his back.

"Hands above your head love." He did as I said with a smirk forming. He knows what's coming, I can tell by the smirk forming on his own lips. I can't wait to do this again.

I tied his hands together aswell as to the bed head, not tight so that he could probably wiggle out if he tried. I shuffled my pants off, sighing with relief of not be constricted, so I was also completely naked and returned to my position on top of him.

He bit his lip as he looked me up and down. He always loved me on top.

"Suck." I said breathlessly as I held two fingers up and he opened his mouth. He sucked on them until they were wet, I bit my lip as he didn't break eye contact. His tongue swirled around them, the way he knew would make me go crazy, to bad I'm already to far gone.

I pulled them out with a pop and then placed them at the entrance of my hole. I slipped them and moaned a little at the feeling, no where as good as his though. He shuffled his hips a little under me as I went in further. I scissored my fingers and stretched myself.

Harry continued to wiggle under me, wishing it was his fingers. But he's a bit tied up at the moment.

I pulled them out and smiled at him, not even remembering what I had done, it was just instinct. His pupils had taken over the green as he stared at me with lustful eyes.

"Ready?" I whispered into his ear.

"Yes. Please Lou. I need you." Harry begged breathlessly.

I shuffled back a bit and took the base of his length in my hand. I watched as I lined him up and sunk down slowly. It hurt for a moment, but the pain soon turned into pleasure. I stop about half way, then forced my hips down suddenly, taking him all the way inside me.

He moaned loudly and his jaw went slack as my head went back at the feeling. I waited until I couldn't take it anymore and began to move up and down on him. The lack of lubricant made it sting slightly, but the pain always made it better for me.

I soon picked up the pace and I could tell neither of us were gonna last too long. We both panted more and more between moans. I clenched when his large length hit my prostate right on, and I could literally feel him twitch inside me as obscene moans left both of us.

"Fuck lou don't stop!" Harry just about yelled as I clenched again, making me moan in response.

It's always more intense for him when he's tied up. He loves touching me, so when he's restrained, it's even more intense.

I leaned down to kiss his and his tongue immediately met mine at a slow pace as my legs began to shake and cause my movements to slow. 

Harry must have been able to slip his hands out from the belt and they landed on my hips, pushing me down with more force. He hit my prostate more and more, and soon my knees were to weak to keep going up and down. I managed to sit back and place my hands on his thighs behind me for support and moved my hips. I felt my whole body melting due to the pleasure I was feeling. I threw my head back and squeezed my eyes shut as he gripped my hips hard.

I didn't go as far as I wanted to tonight, but nothing could beat the feeling of Harry inside of me anyway. Well maybe me inside of him, but that's for later.

Harry noticed my shaking and pulled me back closer towards him. He wrapped his hand around my cock and soon began to thrust into me fast. Really fucking fast. Faster than before.

"Fuck! Harry!" I screamed loudly at the feeling. I'm so glad we are home alone. "I'm gonna c- ahh!" I couldn't stop the extreme tightness inside of me and I couldn't even form sentences without being interrupted by a moan.

"Do it lou. Come with m-me." He said in between grunts. He was loosing all control of himself too.

He fucked me relentlessly and I could hardly breath, but it only made it better. The way he'd almost pull all the way out before slamming back in made my eyes roll back.

He held my sides and pushed me up a bit, making me grin his shoulders. My eyes rolled back as he began pumping me at the same speed as his thrusts. I felt the large knot in my stomach began to unravel.

My orgasm hit me by surprise when I came all over Harry as he hammered into me.

"Oh fuck!" Harry shouted as he hit my prostate the hardest he ever has. Ever. I screamed in pleasure and collapsed onto him. I felt him twitch multiple times inside me and then release into me.

Warmth filled my body as he wrapped his arms around my neck and our breathing synced. I felt the love oozing out of us. I haven't felt this close to anyone ever before, and I don't want it with anyone else.

He slowly pulled out, causing me to wince, and rolled me onto my back. I was completely paralysed, but he had a freakish amount of energy. Probably adrenaline.

He slotted himself between my legs, placing them over his shoulders and watched as his cum came out of my hole. He ducked down and began to eat me out.

This man does not let me breathe. I soon got harder again and he began to stroke me as he ate me out more. I didn't think it was possible after how hard I just came.

My head went back against the pillow and I had to close my eyes due to how over sensitive I was. I was breathless and I could only feel when his hand was replace with his mouth. I soon gave into the sensitivity and my hips began to meet Harry's mouth and he bobbed up and down.

I soon came for a second time. The aftershocks ripped through me due to the overstimulation. My legs twitched like crazy.

I could feel Harry moaning deeply with me hitting the back of his throat until he pulled away and rested his head against my thigh. I felt his warm release against my lower leg and watched as Harry bit into my thigh as he came. It was fucking hot to watch him cum just from watching me.

After we both recovered from our highs, Harry sat up and swiped his mouth with the back of his hand and smirked at me.

"Good baby?" He asked still slightly breathless.

"Fucking amazing." I said lifting my eyebrows up. It was true.

He smiled and kissed me passionately. "I felt like a teenager grinding against your leg, but I couldn't help it. I love you."

"I love you so much." I smiled with a laugh and kissed him again. Closing my eyes made me realise how tired I was and I could feel Harry's whole body relax against me.

We laid there, just enjoying each other until we both fell asleep.

Both with huge smiles on our faces.

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