17: pancakes

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Louis POV

I woke up to an empty bed beside me. I looked at the time and saw it was 11am. With a groan, I got out of bed and got put a pair of sweats on and a hoodie. Then headed down stairs.

I was welcomed in the kitchen to a loud crash of a pan. My head just about exploded from the noise as my hangover was killing me.

Last night, zayn had all taken us to this party of his friend in a private club. It was pretty rowdy and one thing turned to another, and me and Harry were soon making out in the private booth we claimed with me strandling his lap. It was pretty fucking hot if I do say myself. But that's the last thing I remember up until now. Hopefully nobody spotted us.

I greeted Liam and Niall who were trying to cook pancakes, but Liam was just cursing at Niall because he kept dropping everything.

I grabbed my pack of cigarettes from the counter and headed out the back door, as I heard Niall scream, "I'm sorry I'm still drunk Liam!"

I just laughed under a breath. Zayn and Harry were sitting there chatting as they smoked a joint while sitting on the deck chairs. As ran my fingers through Harry's hair as I passed and said morning as I sat in the floor in front of the two.

I sat with my legs out in front of me as I lit a cigarette as inhaled. Then put my head back to let out the smoke into the air above me. I watched at it dissipated into the cloud less sky above. I then brought my knees to my chest and looked back at the two.

"Pretty sure Liam's gonna burst a blood vessel in there trying to cook with ni." I said with a laugh as I looked at zayn. He just laughed under breath and shook his head as he passed the joint to Harry.

Harry took a slow breath in of the smoke before blowing the smoke out of his nose, then in again through his mouth. The way the sun shun on his face made him look 10 times more handsome. Like seriously, wow. He opened his eyes as at looked at me and smiled. The green of his eyes were shade lighter due to the light and just drew me in. I smiled back before taking another drag of my cigarette.

This man is just breath taking. I know that I'm in love with him. I mean I never really fell out of love. But I want to take things slow, as slow as we can that is, and I've decided to wait for him to say it first. He's the one that needs to fully forgive me more. He hurt me, but I deserved it and I'm well over it now. I know he said he has but by the way he had that dream the other night, and if it is about us, that worries me.

Harry broke our eye contact by passing the joint back to zayn. Then resting his head back on the chair he was sitting on. Zayn finished off the joint and soon headed inside to help li with pancakes because Niall most definitely wasn't up to the task.

I finished my cigarette and put in out on the ash tray that sat next to the chair zayn just left. Harry still sat with his head back, looking at the sky. Head in the clouds. Knowing zayn it was probably pretty strong weed they had been smoking, so Harry's probably pretty out of it.

I stood up and then plonked myself of his lap, my legs facing side ways. I began to kiss his neck softly and on his collarbones, over the marks that had been left previously. I let go eventually and he lift his head forward to look at me. He ran his hand over my cheek and closed my eyes.

"Your beautiful Lou. You know that right?" He asked softly. I opened my eyes and were met by his green sparkling eyes, mostly taken up by his pupils though. Yep definitely high as a kite.

"I do now." I said with a smile and then kissed him on the lips.

The kiss began to get heated when I slipped my tongue into his mouth. Soon I was sat strandling his lap as his hands were placed on my ass. He always had a strange obsession with my butt. My arms just wrapped around his neck.

"Wow ok can you not get it in on my deck chair!" Liam said, breaking us away from our make out session. "Anyway the pancakes are ready." He stated before rushing off back inside side.

"Hungry?" I asked as I turned back to face Harry. He just nodded enthusiastically. "Come on. Let me up."

He just shook his head with a mock frown forming and his arms snaked around my waist. He then rested his head on my chest. "Nope your not moving." He said.

"Oh cmon. I don't want to either. But I want some pancakes before Niall demolishes them all." I whispered in his ear.

He sat back up and smirked at me before standing up, holding me up by my thighs so I hug in him like a koala. "Oi cmon Haz put me down." I said as I tried to wiggle out of his grip.

"Nope." He said making the p pop a bit and giggled.

I swear he's a little kid.

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