27: tea?

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Harry's pov

I woke up to an empty bed. I rolled out of bed and the clock said it was 10am. I stood up and was forced down my a huge headache. Fucking hell.

I headed to the bathroom and took some painkillers before peaking into the guest room to see zayn. He was still spread out on the covers in same position as last night. At least he slept.

I headed down stairs to find lou and mum when I heard voices from the kitchen.

"Honestly hun don't worry about it. I don't eat breakfast normally anyway." My mum said. I could tell she's been laughing.

"Nah nah surely I can make toast!" Louis exclaimed. I could smell burnt toast as I entered the kitchen. Mum smiled at me and I looked towards lou as he grumpily leant against the counter, giving up on the toaster. He sucks at cooking. Toast is his worse enemy.

I laughed a little as I greeted mum, recieving a kiss on the cheek. I walked over to lou and kissed him gently and smiled at him.

"Defeated by the toaster again babe?" I asked with a grin and I poured myself a tea that had been prepared, most likely by Louis.

"Mm don't start. I slept terribly." Louis said in a low tone and yawned at the end.

"Why's that?" Mum asked just as zayn walked into the kitchen.

All our heads flicked around to look at him and he stood there. No emotion at all. He looked devastated.

"Oh zayn! I didn't know you were here!" Anne said as she got up from her seat at the kitchen island and pulled him into a hug. He hugged back hesitantly.

"It's good to see you Anne." Be said quietly as she pulled away. She gave me a look and I just shook my head telling her I'll explain later, not with him here.

"Tea?" I asked holding up my cup.

"Uhh no thanks. Imma head out. Thanks for letting me crash though." Zayn said with a forced smile. That's when I realised he was fully dressed.

"No worries. You can come by anytime mate." I said with a sympathetic smile.

He nodded before walking out. I heard the front door slam shut.

"Has Niall said anything?" I asked immediately turning to Lou. His face dropped.

"Yeh he called about an hour ago. Liams been up crying all night. Nialls been trying to comfort him but he's not getting any better. He's heartbroken." He said with a low tone looking me in the eyes. My heart dropped for Liam. Poor guy. "Imma gonna head by for a bit later one. Do you wanna come?"

I looked over to mum who just nodded her head with a concerned smile. "Go. I'm gonna meet up with a friend today anyway." I nodded and turned my attention to lou again.

"Ok yeh."

"Ok imma head for a shower." He said with a small smile and gave me a peck before exiting the room.

"What's happened?" My mum asked with her eyebrows furrowed.


I knocked on the door and Niall answered straight away.

"Thank god you guys are here. He's locked himself in his room about an hour ago and won't come out. I think he's on the phone to someone." Niall said quickly as he let us in.

We all sat in the games room and waiting for Liam to come out. When he did his eyes were bloodshot and was pale. We all stood up and I walked over to him and hugged him tightly. He returned the hug just as strongly and sighed.

"I'm so sorry mate." I said as he rested his head on my shoulder before pulling away.

"Where is he?" Concern was written all over his face. His voice was horse from the crying. I shook my head in response.

"We don't know. He stayed at mine last night and told us... about everything. But left this morning. We thought he might have come here." I answered. Liam just nodded looking down.

"Sorry Niall. I was just on the phone to my mum." Liam apologises.

"It's ok mate I was just worried. Do you have any idea where he might have gone?" Niall asked with a serious face.

"Yeh I do. I wanna go find him. I didn't let him talk last night so I wanna hear what he has to say." Liam said. We all nodded as he pulled out his phone and called someone.

"Hey um is... is zayn with you?"
"Ok good. Imma be there in 10 minutes."
"Don't tell him I'm coming, he'll run off."
Liam ended the call.

"He's at his sisters. Can you drive me niall?"

"Yeh sure mate." Niall replied with a small smile. "Come on then."

We all walked down stairs and both gave Liam a tight hug before going seperate ways.

Lou and I spent the day on the couch watching movies and cuddling. Mum messaged and said she's staying at a friends for the night and will be back tomorrow.

I made dinner and then we went back to our position on the couch. Louis laid o top of me on his stomach while I laid slightly to the side of him on my back, his arm and leg wrapped around him.

I looked up at him and watched as the light from the tv lit up his face. Defining his chiseled face. I sighed at his beauty and placed a line of kisses along his bare chest. Goosebumps rose.

"I love you." I said quietly as he looked down at me. I watched his hands as he played with my necklace and my ring around it. I could tell he had been over thinking all day today, he's only just now relaxed. He needs to calm down before he breaks down. I know lou, he'll over think till he makes himself sick.

"I love you too." He said back and placed a kiss on my nose. And then on my lips.

The kiss pushed all the stress down into the back of my brain as I bit his bottom lip slightly, then slipped my tongue in.

He got up and straddled my waist, my hands on his bum, as we deepened the kiss.

His hands which slid up and down my bare sides making me shiver a little at his touch.

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