13: honeymoon faze

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Harry's pov

I walked down stairs bouncing and a huge grin on my face. I'm really fucking happy. Louis and I are basically back together, this is all I've wanted for so long. And plus the band was getting back together. I missed writing and performing with them so much. It just wasn't the same solo.

It's been 8 days since Louis and I got caught by the lads and they still haven't let us catch a break about it. Niall kept going on about how he brought us back together by making us share a room. And I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he had it planned all a long.

Since that night, nothing else has really happened with Louis in that way you know. We both agreed to take it slow. So all we've done is kiss really and just get to know each other again. That was until last night...

*flashback to two nights ago*

I walked into the bathroom to see lou blow drying his hair. So that's how it gets so fluffy? He was standing in front of the mirror with a towel around his hips, fresh out of the shower.

I shut the door quietly behind me and wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him close into my chest. I leant down and kissed his shoulder then watched him smiling in the mirror and he looked at me fondly, my chin resting on his right shoulder.

I'm glad he's so happy and that I'm apart of the reason. That night when we first saw each other at the restaurant, he looked so tired. Like he was emotionally exhausted. I just wanted to hug him and make him feel better right then and there...

Lou turned the blow dryer to face me and it blew hot air straight into my face.

"Hey!" I said. He turned it off and set it down on the counter as he giggled at my reaction. I just pouted at him in the mirror.

I then decided to get him back by attacking his neck with kisses and love bites, living a couple marks on his tan skin. He wiggled his neck around and laughed more.

"Hazzzz. Cmon that tickles!" He said through laughs.

I soon spun him around and began to leave short pecks on his lips. He smiled more into each one. On the 5th kiss I let him kiss me back fully and our breathing soon became heavy. He slipped his tongue in and made the kiss deeper again.

He rested his hands around my neck and I moved my hands up and down on the bottom of his back, they then landed on his hips. I pulled away from him which made him groan a little.

"Lou can I do something for you?" I asked grinning. He just stared, not knowing what I was on about. His eyebrows shot up as he realised what I meant and opened his mouth to answer, then shut it again. "Well can I?"

He nodded in response. I pulled his hips closer looking him down, then met his blue eyes again. "Use your words babe."

"Please." That was all I needed before I hooked my fingers around his towel and loosened it so it dropped to his feet.

I looked down then up at his face again and smiled as I began to lower myself down to my knees, never breaking eye contact. He bit his lip as he watched me.

I soon began to rub his length and suck him off. He moaned loudly in response. I missed him so much.

After I few more minutes lou managed to get out a "Harry I'm gonna...fuck". He pulled his headed back with his eyes closed tightly. I made his tip hit the back of my throat and managed not to gag, but instead moan. I knew he loved that.

The vibration sent him over the edge and he soon came in my mouth. I swallowed every last drop. Very proud of my self for that.

*end of flashback*

After that, we have been even closer and I keep catching Lou giving me fond stares. Now I'm just waiting for him to return my gesture. I know it'll happen eventually and I'm honestly not in any rush.

He's told me all about Freddie and he sounds like such a great kid. At first I was nervous when he started telling me about him because you know, my boyfriend that I've just got back together with after 5 years has a son. But now I actually can't wait to meet him. Hopefully when we go to America on tour I will.

We've talked a bit about our music and our solo tours. We both discovered that neither of us have listened to each other's music except for what had came on accidentally. So we made a deal that we'd have a night where we just listened to each other's music. Which makes me kind of nervous considering he'll be able to tell which songs are about him. And let me tell you, there are a lot.

I walk into the kitchen and get myself a glass of water. Then head out the back door and close it behind me. There's a pair of deck chairs on the large grass area in the backyard. I sit down and just sip my water while soaking up the morning sun. I study the surroundings. The tall, green trees and nicely cut lawn. Why does Liam own fucking life size dinosaurs? Actually I don't want to know.

My thoughts soon wander to Louis. We never really finish our conversation from the other morning. I need to know what's gonna happen when we leave this house. I'm worried about what it's gonna be like. When the reunion is announced and we start tour. Right now we are in that honeymoon faze. We've been there before the second time round, and got stuck. It was good for awhile, but only became toxic and came crashing down when we couldn't face our problems.

I know we agreed to talk about our problems from now on and I'm happy with that decision. But how can I be truly honest with Lou? I've been through so much these past few years, and so has he. I honestly haven't even scratched the surface. We have both changed and matured. Hell im 26 now. I need stability and I hope to god that Louis and I can have that. Because honestly I can't live with out him. Haven't been able to.

I'm broken out my thoughts by the feeling of soft, thin lips placing a lingering kiss on my cheek. I smile as he kisses me again, leaving a trail down my neck. I hold the back of his head with hand and feel his arms wrap around my shoulders from behind. He soon rests his head in the crook of my neck and sighs happily.

"What are you thinking about love?" He asks softly. I can feel his breath against my neck and it comforts me in a way, giving me courage with what I'm about to say.

"I'm thinking about what it's gonna be like for us once we leave this house. When we head on tour. I don't want to be kept apart again. It just about killed us last time." I sighed as I said that last sentence. Louis immediately stood up and made his way to the other deck chair. He picked it up, dragging it closer to me before he sat down, grabbing my hands in his.

"We aren't gonna be split up Haz. Last time we weren't as strong as we are now. We were just kids back then and did what we were told, well most of the time." He said with shrug and a small smile. Then became serious again. "I've just got you back. There's no way I'm letting that go so easily. Simon can get fucked if he thinks he's gonna keep us apart..." he trailed off and looked lost in thought for a few moments, then he smiled cheekily. I don't know what he is thinking but knowing Lou it's probably something evil. So I just smiled back worriedly as he began to speak again.

"What if we hide it... us from Simon?"

"What? Wait how would we even do that?" I asked, surprised by what he said, but intrigued.

"Remember when we got back to together and decided we didn't want management to have as much control over us? Well I know that it didn't work out and made things worse back then. But this time we can be smarter about it... then we can be freer to do what we want in interviews and out in public because they are still gonna think we hate each other. We have to hide it from the public, so why not just hide it from them too?" He said with a smile on his face. I thought back to when we did this before. I mean we were younger and dumber then, but I reckon we could pull it off now...

"I reckon that's a great idea Lou. They won't see whats coming."

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