38: believe me

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Louis POV

Three days. Three days in this bloody hospital. And Harry still hasn't woken up. The doctor said it should be today. It's expected for him to be out this long. But that doesn't dial down my worries. I making myself sick with worry.

The doctor said I could go home yesterday, but I just moved myself into Harry's room. Simon came round and said not to worry about anything about the reunion and to stay low and out of the public. This accident is all over the media. Harry and I are all over the media. Simon was very out of character and was genuinely concerned about the two of us. Maybe he is human?

The boys come by when they can and Anne has stayed in town too. She said she has to go when Harry wakes up though, but she knows he's in good hands here and that I'm not leaving his side. I don't think I physically could.

I called the girls and my stepdad and told them everything. Lottie wanted to fly out, but I told her not to worry. Mostly because I don't want to be around anyone right now.

I know Harry's ok. But he isn't awake and that's making me go crazy. I need to kiss him and hug him and I need him to talk to me. I miss his voice. I can see him smiling and hear his laugh and the look in his eyes when I catch him staring at me from across the room, or the way he intertwines his fingers with mine and kisses the top of my head when we hug...

"Mr Tomlinson... mr Tomlinson?"

I woke up to a nurse shaking my shoulder gently as I was sat back in the chair.

"He's wake and asking for you." He's awake!?

I immediately stood up, ignoring the pain of my ribs, and pulled back the curtain. I looked towards the bed to see Harry. Harry. He was sat up and nodding to a nurse who was talking to him. Harry!

"Haz?" I said softly. He's awake. I can feel my mouth hanging wide open and the relief rippled through my whole body.

His head snapped towards me and smiled widely. He's ok. Thank god.

I leaped towards with and was engulfed by a huge bear hug as he nuzzled his face into my neck.

"I missed you. I'm so glad your awake." I said between sniffs, trying to keep the happy tears in.

"I missed you too." He said with a horse voice as he placed a kiss on my neck.

"I'll be back with some water." A nurse said before her and the other left the room.

We stayed like that for a few minutes, just feeling the warmth of each other, until I pulled away and rested my forehead against his. I looked deep into his green eyes that seemed so light and were mostly taken over by his pupils. I smiled and pecked his lips. I missed that feeling. He kissed me again, but made it longer and with more meaning. Wow I love this man.

"How long have I been out?" Harry asked after I pulled my face away and sat in the chair next to the bed, still holding his hand.

"Four days or so." I said with a sympathetic smile and rubbing my thumb over his hand. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked down at our hands.

"I don't... I don't remember what happened. I just remember you saying you love me and then darkness." He said as he looked up at me confused. I scooted in the chair closer to him and gave him a small smile, not letting go of his hand.

"We got into a car crash. We were driving back to the hotel and a drunk driver hit the side of the car you were on. A bit of metal went through your side and you lost a lot of blood. They took you into emergency surgery and I woke up the next day." I said in one breath. His eye flicked down to my other arm, covered in a cast and resting on my knee.

"Are you ok? How hurt are you? Are-" he began to ramble.

"Harry! Stop I'm fine. I broke my arm and a couple ribs but I'm fine. It was a big crash. The car was totalled. It's you I'm worried about." I interrupted and his face relaxed a bit and he sat back on the bed more. "But there's something else..." this is the bit I've been dreading the most. I don't know how he's gonna react. "The driver he... um he didn't make it. He died on impact." I winced as I said the words.

I studied his face as he stared at me with a blank expression. Cmon Harry, say something. Then a single tear rolled down his cheek.

"It's my fault lou. I called the car. He was driving us because I called him..." he said softly and looked down at our hands, in which I had tightened my grip on his.

"No haz. This isn't your fault. You didn't know this was gonna happen. And if you didn't call the car, I would have and it still would have happened. The police said it was the other cars fault. They were drunk and it was all their fault." I reasoned with him in a soft and calm tone. He just looked at me a moment before nodding.

"Yeh. I get that. Ok. Yeh." Harry said as he wiped a few tears away and smiled slightly. I'm not convinced.

I stood up and gently pressed my lips to his. Our lips moved at a slow pace and it was more me trying to reassure him.

I pulled away and said, "believe me Harry. It wasn't your fault."

I looked him straight in the eye and I could tell he was looking right through me for my emotions. Sadness and worry, but happiness, relief and sincerity. He smiled and nodded again.

"I know."

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