31: i promise

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Louis pov

"Haz!" I call out from the bedroom. No response.

"Hazza!" Still nothing.

"Harry!" Silence.

Where the fuck is he? He's gotta get packing. He headed down stairs around an hour ago saying he'll be back, but he hasn't returned. I can tell he's been really stressed about everything and he's been trying to hide it. Every time i try to help, he just brushes me off. So I've been giving him space. But it's making my nervous sky rocket even higher.

It's only a week before the reunion is announced now and we are flying out to LA early tomorrow morning.

I huffed as I walked down the staircase of my house, it was empty. Where is he?

I looked around the kitchen, nothing. Lounge room, deserted.  Guest bathroom, untouched.

I looked out the glass doors taht led outside and saw a down haired mop on top of his figure, laying down looking towards the sky. I sighed with relief when I found him.

I went outside and sat on the grass next to him. He turned to face me and smiled warmly.

These last months have been heaven. I spend every free moment with Harry. We just relish in each other's company. We write with the band and record, then head home and cuddle, cook, eat. Just love each other. He fucking awesome. I couldn't be happier.

"You've been out here for ages love. I thought you might have ran off." I said calmly as I pushed some longer pieces of hair from his face.

"How long have I been out here?" He asked worriedly.

"Over an hour. I've been calling you."

"Oh really. Sorry lou I didn't realise." He said shocked.

"It's ok love. What were you doing?" I asked steading my breathing as I laid  down next to him and cuddled in. He put arm around my shoulders.

"Just thinking. About tour. I'm- I'm a bit scared." He opened up.

"Oh Haz. There's nothing to be scared about. It's gonna be great. And if there is, I'll be right by your side the whole time." I say looking up at his face which stays staring upwards toward the clouds.

"Do you promise?" He whispers as he looks down and meet my eyes. He furrows his eyebrows as he looks over my face, probably noticing how tired I feel. He looks sad with worry.

"I promise." I reply as I grab ahold of his hand and intertwine our fingers, my my anxiety get pushed away.

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