35: elevator

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Harry turned around to face me, tears rolling down him cheeks. I pushed myself off the wall and pulled him into a hug. He pulled me in further and sobbed on my shoulder. I felt my own tears roll out. I couldn't help but melt into him. I can't see him sad.

"Shh love shh." I comforted him and myself.

"I'm s-sorry about wh-what I did last n-night and th-that I th-thought got u-us ca-caught on p-purpose." He apologised as he pulled away slightly. "F-for what i s-said. I d-don't know wh-what I was th-thinking."

I rubbed his tears away with my hand and he nuzzled into it as I stroked his cheek. His green eyes were fogged over by the tears. I made sure he was calm for what I said next.

"I'm sorry too. But you really hurt me when you accused me of that Harry when I love you to bits. I would never do anything like that. And when I saw that girl it just made it worse. It's like you don't trust me." I admitted dropping my hand to my side.

Harry grabbed my hand in his and I willingly intertwined our fingers. "I messed up lou. Big time. I love you so much. Im just so mad. I know you didn't do it. I don't remember anything after Liam left. I was too.... too high to remember." He looked down towards the ground and I raised his face with my hand under his chin. "I always try my best to trust you. I need to work on it."

We stared into each other's eyes for a moment. My brain was telling me no but my heart was saying yes yes yes.

"You can trust me with everything." I whispered. "Are you gonna do it again?" I asked softly but made it serious.

"No never. Definitely not. I can't loose you." He said as he shook his head, his hair moved and fell as he did. It reminded of me when we first started dating, the mop of hair he had that used to be swept to one side.

I studied his face for his honesty. His eyes were pleading me for forgiveness and the guilt I saw on him was overwhelming. This poor boy broke his own heart, but as well as mine.

Can I just go back? I can.

But should i? I want to I really want to. But he hurt me.

You know what.

Fuck it.

I quickly pulled my hand away, but to only wrap it arm the back of his neck and smash our lips together. He immediately kissed back with the same urgency. It was quick paced and messing from missing each other for not even 24 hours. I don't want him to kiss anyone else ever again.
It soon became slower till it was only pecks.

"I love you so much Lou. I never want to kiss anyone ever again." Harry huffed out and he pulled me into his chest. It was like he read my thoughts.

"I love you too. But..."

He pulled his head off my shoulder and looked at me scared. "But?" He asked.

"But you hurt me Haz. And I think you need to be punished." I said in a serious tone with a straight face. His eyes popped out of his head.

" punished how?" He asked cautiously. He knew all well what I meant.

"You know what I mean." Is all I said before the elevator doors opened to the ground lobby and I walked out, leaving him stunned.

I turned around and looked him up and down, biting my lip because I know that makes him flustered. And of course I enjoyed the view. His hair was a bit tangled and his top was wrinkled, but his dishevelled look made him all the more attractive. Like damn.

"Cmon then."

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