16: 2015

825 13 1

Harry's POV

For the first day, I spent it with Liam in his room. Niall came back eventually from liv's and spent time with me as well. I had showered and got room service, I didn't feel like moving all day. All I could think about was the betrayal.

On the second day, Niall managed to drag me out of the room and we sat by the pool of the hotel, just enjoying the summer heat.

I know Liam had gone to talk to louis that afternoon because he wouldn't tell me were he had been and just said "don't worry". But I could see the dread on his face and the sadness when he looked at me.

We had a concert on the third day and I decided I was gonna face him and tell him my decision. There's literally nothing stopping me. I know it's the right decision for me. I just don't know how it's gonna go down.

I arrived at the venue later then the others, and when I got into makeup and wardrobe the others were already finished, which I was thankful for. I had practiced my lines I would say to Lou all morning, but I was honestly shitting myself at the thought of seeing him and ending things. We've been together for so long and now it's all come crashing down.

When I was buttoning up my shirt, Louis walked in and closed the door behind him. He just stared at me. He looked absolutely terrified, as he should be. "We need to talk."

I looked him over with wide eyes. He looked the same with his graphic shirt and black jeans, but his face was unshaven and he looked like he hadn't slept in days.

"We do."

That talk ended with me rushing out of the room to the bathroom, tears streaming down my face. I had just broken up with the only person I'd ever truly loved. That I still loved.
I left him in the dressing room on the floor crying. After I told him my decision, he just about collapsed and I just couldn't watch that.

The show went on and we both were miserable the whole time, putting in brave faces for the fans.

That night I went out with Niall because I needed a distraction. That night was the beginning of my spiral.

For the next three weeks, there was not a show I was sober. I completely blocked Louis out and he had blocked me out. It was awkward for the boys, but they both sympathised with me and my decision. I know louis felt a bit betrayed, but he honestly deserved it.
I was just so mad at him, but mostly I was numb.

I went out almost every night and usually brought a different girl home every time. I made sure Louis never knew though because I didn't want him to think I scooped to his level. I only did it to feel something, even if it was guilt.

One night, I decided to stay in my hotel room. I couldn't keep handling my problems by finding meaningless hook ups and I really didn't want to fucking catch anything. So I drank all the alcohol I could find in my room and watched reality shows all night crying.

It was 2am and I was absolutely hammered. I don't even know what I was thinking but somehow I found myself at Louis' door. When he opened it I must of blacked out. Next thing I knew I was in the bathroom, throwing up, while Lou held my long hair back and rubbed circles in my back.

I flushed the toilet and sat back against the wall. I opened my eyes and was met by Louis' staring at me concerned.

"I'm fine." I slurred as I began to stand up. "I need to leave." But as I found my feet, I slipped and was caught by Louis.

"I don't think you can stand love." He said as he guided out of the bathroom. I groaned a little at the use of the nickname. He doesn't get to call me that anymore. But I let him lead me to the bed and lay me down.

"The bins beside the bed if you need to be sick. I'll take the couch." He said as I sat up to look at him. I soon noticed the mess the room was in. There was fast food rubbish scattered in between loads of beer and vodka bottles. He'd obviously picked up a similar coping mechanism as me.
He stared back for a moment and was thinking something over, before he turned to go toward the couch. It was covered in clothes and rubbish.

"Wait lou." I said quietly and he turned around quickly with wide and hopeful eyes. "Please lay with me."

He didn't say anything but climbed onto the bed next to me and pulled me into a hug. I missed him so so much. But I can't give in.

"I miss you." I said sleepy before I could top myself.

"I miss you to Haz." He said as he kissed the top of my head. And I soon drifted off.

The next few weeks, we didn't know how to act around each other. We were being civil but we weren't really talking. Just exchanging longing looks.

I soon went back to hooking up with random girls due to the loneliness. I just didn't know how to fix it any other way. But after every night, I would go to lou's room and we would fall asleep in each other's arms, sometimes exchanging a kiss. I never let it go further though because I knew I could never get past what he did.

I knew he did it because he was lonely but that's no fucking excuse. I was really fucking lonely too. Maybe this was how it was supposed to end? I don't know.

It was the day before the last American show of the tour. Liam and Niall knew what I had been up to every night, with the girls and then going to louis' room, they weren't stupid. But Lou had no idea about the girls. That was until he walking in on me and this random girl who worked at the stadium in the tour bus.

It didn't end well and that was when we were officially over. I felt like I had got revenge for what he did to me, but I felt terrible. The only interaction between us was when we hugged at the end of the show. We both held on as tight as we could. I knew the crowd was screaming, but all noise was blocked until we pulled away.

I knew he hated me so I left him alone until the tour ended and we did our last performance on the X factor.

When we left the stage after the show I knew I was heading straight to my mums house and then LA. I said goodbye to the boys, not knowing the next time I'd see them, and then headed over to say goodbye to louis.

"Louis." I said from behind him to get his attention. He turned around and looked me straight in the eyes. "I just wanted to say goodbye."

"Goodbye Harry." He said with a cold tone, but I saw a small tug on his lips, like he wanted to smile. But he then turned away and left.

They were the last words he ever said to me.

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