14: flashbacks

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Louis POV

We had a week left until everything started happening. And just over three months until the reunion is announced. Until our lives become hectic again. To say I was nervous would be and understatement. But I am also the happiest I have been in a very long time. Like really fucking happy.

Not only is the band getting back together, but I've got my best friends back. And most importantly, I've got Harry back. I still can't believe it honestly. After how everything went down here we are. I just hope nothing comes and ruin it.

The other night, Harry woke up from a nightmare. He was crying and shaking when I woke him up from it and I just hugged him until he calmed down. I asked him what it was about but he wouldn't tell me, saying he couldn't remember. I knew he was lying and could remember, he always did, but I didn't push it any further. It'll just cause problems like me pushing has before and he'll tell me when he's ready. I'm almost certain it was a flashback dream though, most likely about us.

Ever since we've been together, Harry has had these dreams of memories he's experienced throughout his life. Most were sadly bad ones. I remember the first time he experienced one with me there he had a full on break down. I was extremely worried about him and a little over my head at the time since I was only 19. That night was the first time he fully opened up to me.

*flashback to 2011*

I woke up to the sound of sniffles and the bed moving. I opened my eyes and sat up to see what the commotion was about. All I was Harry distraught and rolling around restlessly. He was still asleep. He must be having some type of nightmare.

I quickly rushed to him and held him in place while he continued to thrash around. What's happening? This is terrible!

"Haz! Harry wake up its only a dream!" I said calmly as I could.

He began to stop moving or crying and I could tell he was waking up by the movement under his eyelids. His forehead was creased in the middle and he had a huge frown. Tears tracks strained his cheeks. This is devastating.

He slowly opened his eyes and blinked away the water pooled in them, then looked my straight in the eye. I slowly released my grip from his arms.

"Haz are you ok? You were d-dreaming and were crying." I asked. I was crying now. It was so scary. I don't want him to be in pain like that.

He just looked at me with his eyebrows pulled down as he studied my face, this made me even more scared. What's happened?!

His face then softened as he noticed my sadness and immediately pulled me towards him. Surrounding my body in his arms.

"Shhh I'm so sorry you had to see that Lou." He said quietly, trying to settle me.

"Sometimes I get these dreams Lou. Nightmares. About bad things that have happened. L-like sometimes they are memories, like my p-parents divorce and how everything went down. And then sometimes they aren't real and are situations I've made up and t-terrible things happen i-in th-them." As he finished I pulled myself closer to him. He sounded so broken. "D-doctors have said i-it's just how I d-deal with things. I j-just need to be w-woken up and e-eventually I come out o-of th-them. I should h-have told y-you earlier. I'm s-sorry."

"It's ok Haz. As long as I know now. I'll help you. I'll always be here." I said as my crying subsided.

*end of flashback*

Every time something traumatic happened to him, he would end up having nightmares about it and it hurts me till this day to see him struggle so bad. But once he realises he's not there, and that I'm here, he comes back to reality and goes back to being himself. I hate to have seen him without me there when he had one of those dreams. Ones about our breakup...

*flashback to 2015*

I sat on my bed just staring at the wall. We had one month left of the tour before we went on hiatus. When the fuck did everything go so wrong? First zayn's issues and then he left the band mid tour! Then I messed up so bad that I lost the love of my life!

I thought I was so close to be forgiven for what I had done, but then I walking in on him and that... that slut. I honestly felt like my heart was glass and he had just smashed it with a sledgehammer, shattering it into millions of pieces.

"Fuck!" I yelled out suddenly standing up and punching my mirror that hung on the wall. I fell to the floor sobbing, my hand covered in blood.

My mum burst through the door and rushed to my side, hugging me in. At first I tried to pull away but soon gave up as she squeezed harder and rocked us.

"It's ok baby. I know it hurts." I started to sob more at her words. Nothing is ok, it really fucking hurts. "Shhhh boo bear."

How could I have let this happen?

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