2: sun

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My thoughts raced. One direction. The band. Was come back. After 5 years. What? I can't wrap my head around it. But I also couldn't get another thought out of my mind. Him. Nope not thinking about him right now..

"Fuck!" I yelled rather louder then I intended as I slammed my fists against the bed to either side of me. I just couldn't keep it in. But then there was a small knock at my door.

"Dad? Are you ok?" A little voice called out as my bedroom door opened slowly. It was Freddie.

I signed as I sat up. "Yeh I'm ok sun. Come here." I said holding my arms up to invite him for a hug.

Freddie ran to the bed with a smile and jumped on to it with a flop. Then pulled himself up and hugged me as he climbed onto my lap.

Freddie was staying with me while I was in LA for a while before I went back to London, which was tomorrow. He's almost 5 now. He been here since I came back and I loved having him around. He is just a bundle of joy with his blonde hair and bright blue eyes, the he inherited from me. I love him so much.

"How did you sleep sun?" I asked the boy and he looked up at me with his bright blue eyes.

"I slept great! Pinky kept tossing and turning though." He said as his eyebrows pulled together. I laughed. Pinky was his favourite teddy bear. It was pink, hence the name, and he never went anywhere without it.

"Have you packed everything up now?" I said as I lifted him off my lap to get out from under the covers and out of bed.

"Yep!" He said emphasising the p. "I don't wanna go daddy." He said sadly as he looked up at me while I pulled a black hoodie on that I'd left on the floor.

"I know sun. I don't want you to go back either." I replied and I lifted him of the bed and putting him down so he landed in his feet. "But your mum is missing you so so much."

Freddie's Mum and I, Brianna, had a one night stand when I was partying way to hard trying to deal with zayn, the hiatus and him. But she told me she got pregnant and I wanted to support her no matter what. I lost him in the process, but look and what I got in return. A beautiful son who I loved unconditionally. Even if I didn't get to see him near enough as I wanted to.

"Go get your stuff and put it in the lounge room ok?" I asked as I scruffed up his blonde locks.

"Ok." He said and he walked out of the bedroom with he head down sulking. I laughed under my breath at him. He's too cute honestly.

I slipped my phone into the right pocket of my grey sweatpants I had slept in and headed to the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth and brushed my hair. I'd cut my hair back to my peaky blinders cut after I arrived in LA after it had grown a lot on tour and was looking a bit rough. I preferred it shorter anyway and I really liked the style.

I walked out into the large open plan lounge room and kitchen area as I checked the time on the large clock on the call above the stove. 8:25 am. Just as I walked into the room, the door bell rang and the door opened revealing a smiling Brianna.

"Mum!" Freddie yelled out as he jumped off the couch and ran over to her.

"Hi baby!" She called back and crouched down to give him a huge hug.

I watched and smiled as they embraced. Brianna was a nice girl and I'm glad she's such a good mum, even after all our trouble we had a while back. But that's all sorted now and we are on good terms.

"Have you got everything Freds." I said as I grabbed his bag and pinky who was sitting in top. Brianna let the boy out of the hug and smiled as I walked over and gave her a quick hug as a greeting.


"Ok then say goodbye to your dad baby. We have to get going." Brianna said as I passed her the luggage and teddy.

I knelt down to Freddie's height and pulled him into a big bear hug. "I'll see you soon sun, Yeh?"

"Ok!" The boy said as we pulled away from our hug.

And with that they were out the door. I watched them leave in Brianna's car and waved as they pulled away. I smiled as Freddie waved back.

I doubt I'll be seeing him in awhile now.

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